
jQuery plugin intuitively scrolls HTML table headers with the browser window. Need table row/column collapsing? Super Tables can do that too.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Make HTML tables Super

The SuperTable jQuery plugin makes the header and left row of an HTML table intuitively scroll with the browser window. You can also setup your table to have collapsible rows and columns.


Setting up your <thead> ... </thead> table header and the left-most column of your table to scroll with the the browser is easy!


Want the table header to scroll but not the left-most column?

    scrollColumn : false


To see a demonstration, checkout the basic demo of the above commands or a complete demo which includes all of SuperTable's features.

Collapsing Columns and Headers

Large HTML tables can be very cumbersome in a web browser. That's why most reports get exported directly to CSV. But that doesn't provide a good user experience if the user needs to check an updated report frequently. This is where collapsible rows and columns come into play. They allow a complex table to be quickly reduced to only the most important information while still preserving all the fine-grained details.

When you configure your table to support collapsing headers, clicking a <th> element will collapse your table's columns. Similarly, when your table is configured to support collapsing rows, clicking a <td> element that's the first <td> element of a row will collapse your table's rows. If you need to group rows and columns into groups that collapse and expand together, you can do that too!

Notes on how to setup collapsible rows

  • <tr> rows that have the rowHideable class are collapsible.
  • <tr> rows that share the same value for their optional data-ST-group attribute are considered to be a group of rows that will collapse and expand together.
  • <tr> rows that have the data-ST-group but not the rowHideable class will not themselves collapse, but will collapse other rowHideable rows in the group when the row's first td/tr cell is clicked on
  • <tr> rows that have neither the data-ST-group nor the rowHideable class will not themselves collapse, but will collapse all other rowHideable rows when the row's first td/tr cell is clicked on

Notes on how to setup collapsible columns

  • <th> and <td> cells that have the columnHideable class are collapsible.
  • Use the col-span-min and col-span-max attributes when using collapsible columns with a table that has cells that use the col-span attribute.
  • col-span-min defines how many columns a cell should span when all columns, or the group of columns that the cell belongs to, are collapsed
  • col-span-max defines how many columns a cell should span when all columns, or the group of columns that the cell belongs to, are expanded
  • Table <th> and <td> cells that share the same value for their optional data-ST-group attribute are considered to be a group of rows that will collapse and expand together.
  • Table <th> cells that aren't part of a group, will expand/collapse all columnHideable cells when clicked

Expanding/Collapsing the entire table at once

It is sometimes handy to expand or collapse the entire table at once. If both row and column collapsing are enabled, a th cell that is also the first cell of a row will trigger both row and columns to expand/collapse at once.

You can designate another HTML element on the page to trigger a table's expand/collapse all event by setting that element's optional data-super-table attribute to the id attribute of the table in question.

Try it out yourself

Check out the example/index.html file to see a nearly comprehensive example of table scrolling and collapsible rows and columns in action. Click on the <th> cells or a row's first <td>/<th> cell to collapse a group of columns or rows respectively.


How to configure settings

Default settings can be set before initializing a SuperTable.

    $.fn.superTable.defaults.columnCollapse = true;
    $.fn.superTable.defaults.columnCollapsedClass = 'collapsedColumn';

Otherwise, settings can be configured when initializing a SuperTable by passing your preferred options via an object passed as the first parameter of the superTable() function

        rowCollapse = true,
        rowCollapsedClass : 'collapsedColumn',
        rowExpandedClass : 'expandedColumn'

The only setting that has an effect after a SuperTable has been initialized is the "remove" setting.

        remove = true

List of all settings

  • scrollHead - Bool (default = true) When false, table header scrolling functionality is disabled

  • scrollColumn - Bool (default = true) When false, table column scrolling functionality is disabled

  • rowCollapse - Bool (default = false) When true, collapsing row functionality is enabled

  • rowCollapsedClass - String (default = '') If provided, this class will get added to all collapsed elements

  • rowExpandedClass - String (default = '') If provided, this class will get added to all Expanded elements

  • columnCollapsedClass - String (default = '') If provided, this class will get added to all collapsed and elements

  • columnExpandedClass - String (default = '') If provided, this class will get added to all Expanded and elements

  • startCollapsed - Bool (default = false) If true, the table will start collapsed

  • remove - Bool (default = false) If true, all SuperTable functionality will be removed from the specified HTML table(s)