
Python bindings for Brave's challenge-bypass-ristretto library

Primary LanguagePython


Python bindings for Brave's privacy pass library using the provided ffi APIs.


The API largely mirrors that of the underlying Rust library with a few classes thrown in. For example:

>>> from challenge_bypass_ristretto import  RandomToken
>>> print(RandomToken.create().blind().encode_base64())

How to install

Binary wheels for Linux (manylinux2010), macOS, and Windows are distributed on PyPI.

pip install python-challenge-bypass-ristretto

How to build

The Rust FFI library is a git submodule, so to clone all sources needed for a build:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/LeastAuthority/python-challenge-bypass-ristretto

Then, with the Rust and Python toolchains installed:

python setup.py build sdist bdist_wheel
pip install --editable .

There is also Nix-based package which manages most of this complexity for you and only requires a checkout:



Currently the same license as the Brave's library, Mozilla Public License v2.


Least Authority TFA GmbH