
My personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Run this command in a UNIX shell (works in OS X, Linux and Cygwin).

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monsendag/dotfiles/master/bin/dotfiles | bash

What does the dotfiles command do?

  1. Git is installed if necessary, via APT, Homebrew or Cygwin.exe (APT or Homebrew is installed if necessary).
  2. This repo is cloned into the ~/.dotfiles directory (or updated if it already exists).
  3. Files in init are executed (in alphanumeric order).
  4. Files in copy are copied into ~/.
  5. Files in link are linked into ~/.


  • The backups folder only gets created when necessary. Any files in ~/ that would have been overwritten by copy or link get backed up there.
  • Files in bin are executable shell scripts. The folder is prepended to PATH).
  • Files in zshrc gets sourced when starting a new zsh shell.
  • Files in conf just sit there. If a config file doesn't need to go in ~/, put it in there.
  • Files in caches are cached files, only used by some scripts. This folder will only be created if necessary.

The "init" step

These things will be installed, but only if they aren't already.


  • Homebrew
    • git
    • git-extras
    • zsh
    • tree


  • APT
    • git-core
    • zsh
    • tree


  • openssh
  • subversion
  • vim
  • curl
  • zsh

The ~/ "copy" step

Any file in the copy subdirectory will be copied into ~/. Any file that needs to be modified with personal information (like .gitconfig which contains an email address and private key) should be copied into ~/. Because the file you'll be editing is no longer in ~/.dotfiles, it's less likely to be accidentally committed into your public dotfiles repo.

The ~/ "link" step

Any file in the link subdirectory gets symbolically linked with ln -s into ~/. Edit these, and you change the file in the repo. Don't link files containing sensitive data, or you might accidentally commit that data!




Copyright (c) 2011 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Licensed under the MIT license.