TaskManager is a simple todo list organizer/manager based on the todo.txt format using wxPython.
TaskManager makes the following additions to the todo.txt syntax:
Recurring tasks that occur on a fixed day every week/month/year are specified as D-[mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun|day]-[m|y].
For example, a task that occurs on the first Monday of every month is specified as 1-mon-m. A task that occurs on the last Sunday of every month is specified as L-sun-m.
Completion of all occurrences of a recurring task is indicated by prepending a '#x' to the task.
This is a task for which the last occurrence has been completed:
x 2021-11-30 Some task due:2021-12-01 rec:1m
This is a task for which all occurrences have been completed:
#x 2021-11-30 A fully completed task due:2021-12-01 rec:1m
A line that starts with '#' but not '#x' is a comment and is ignored. All comments are preserved in the file.
A deleted task is prepended with '##-' and is treated as a comment.