
A set of convenience utils for C#

Primary LanguageC#


A set of convenience utils for C#.


  • Debug via Slack using Htk.Utils.Debuggers.SlackDebug.
  • Debug via writing to local file using Htk.Utils.Debuggers.FileDebug. Certifiably awesome, fast, and secure.

Setters & Methods

  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.FilePath You can set a default file path for FileDebug method.
  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.SlackWebhookUrl Set yout Slack Webhook URL. SlackDebug method uses this URL.
  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.FileDebug(string text, string fileName = DEFALT_FILE_PATH) uses FilePath if fileName is omited.
  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.FileDebug(object obj, string fileName = DEFALT_FILE_PATH) dumps given object to file using JSON Serialization. uses FilePath if fileName is omited.
  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.SlackDebug(string text) Sends the given string to Slack.
  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.SlackDebug(string text, string label) Sends the given string to Slack. Format: label: text
  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.SlackDebug(object obj) Sends the given object as JSON to Slack.
  • Htk.Utils.Debuggers.SlackDebug(object obj, string label) Sends the given object as JSON to Slack. Format: label: JSON Dump of object

NOTE: FileDebug has fdebug alias and SlackDebug has slack_debug alias for easy usage.

How To Use This Awesome?

  1. Install via nuget.
  2. (Alternative install via clone) Install via local clone: clone this repository into a directory named htk
    SSH: git clone git@github.com:hacktoolkit/csharp-htk.git htk
    HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/hacktoolkit/csharp-htk.git
  3. Add your Slack incoming webhook URL.
  4. Check your Slack to verify that the message was posted. If not, perhaps your token was wrong, or the Slack integration was disabled. image
    (Alternative link to screenshot above: https://cl.ly/436cfb4383a2)
  5. Profit!

Authors and Maintainers
