A Javascript MVVM library. Like efficient virtual-dom version of knockout. Live Hoof+D3 Demo
Technique preview. Opensourced here to share the ideas in it.
- Render once, update by data binding.
- Not diff virtual-dom(s), diff data on necessary.
- No wrapper span element for text binding. It won't break your css.
- Support render fragments.
import {stored} from 'property';
import {Fragment, React, render} from 'hoof';
let counter = stored(0);
let step = stored(1, (n) => +n); // The second argument is a write filter.
function increment() {
counter(counter() + step());
let ctx = render(
<button onclick={increment}>increment</button>
<input type="number" value={step()} value$input$change={step}/>
// `value={step()}` instead of `value={step}` means do not make write binding.
// `value$input$change={step}` is a read binding says read `value` into `step` on `input` or `change` event.
// Insert rendered (fragment) node to document.
// Setup all bindings.