An extension for VS Code which provides support for the OCaml language.
- 18
Merge effort with vscode-reasonml?
#114 opened by chenglou - 5
(VS code) I can't run Ocaml program
#116 opened by safker - 0
Allow to use ocamlformat instead ocp-indent
#123 opened by mrkaspa - 1
- 1
Code outline
#120 opened by Enzojz - 1
Consider adding WSL support
#119 opened by StarGate01 - 1
Highlight is not working on my visual code
#118 opened by fufjvnvnf - 2
- 6
VS Code Intellisense not working
#112 opened by mozark24 - 3
- 5
Plan to move from merlin 2 to merlin 3
#102 opened by hackwaly - 4
Evaluate a' during debug
#110 opened by db4 - 7
- 4
opam support
#108 opened by rgrinberg - 3
Switch to signature file even when it doesn't exist
#111 opened by Khady - 4
Debug mode questions
#107 opened by ArunPidugu - 19
Trouble with Autocomplete
#109 opened by akcorp2003 - 0
Provide a way to dislay full type
#98 opened by Khady - 1
Please add env/envFile launch configuration attibutes
#105 opened by db4 - 2
.ml indentation defaults to "Spaces: 2"
#104 opened by Simn - 2
- 10
- 6
Merlin support breaks when it returns unicode
#100 opened by ryanslade - 0
Jump to enclosing fun, let, module or match
#95 opened by Khady - 0
Add support for destruct
#97 opened by Khady - 0
- 7
- 7
The send to repl options have disappeared from the list of available shortcuts
#90 opened by thewickedaxe - 1
- 3
customize bucklescript projects
#88 opened by bobzhang - 0
Syntax highlighting bug for 'a*'b
#89 opened by vogler - 0
Autocomplete tries to complete inside comments
#87 opened by farid-fari - 2
Add Keybinding for commands
#85 opened by GiBg1aN - 1
Utop support
#86 opened by davidmartos96 - 2
Syntax highlighting regression in 0.6.18
#84 opened by elfmimi - 0
Incorrect OCaml REPL path on macOS
#83 opened by wqfan - 20
Method completion doesn't work
#71 opened by db4 - 5
Breakpoints do not work in some cases
#80 opened by lolveley - 3
utop-related options
#82 opened by db4 - 0
- 1
Command for restarting merlin
#79 opened by reubenrowe - 7
Merlin fails only on VS Code
#78 opened by AntouanK - 1
- 1
Debugger: retrieveSource() problem
#76 opened by db4 - 1
any option to disable error hints
#73 opened by bobzhang - 2
Location of ocp-indent configuration file
#72 opened by modlfo - 0
Pls support `lint on saving`
#70 opened by qdwang - 8
Problem markers
#68 opened by db4 - 0
Clearing errors/warnings on document close
#69 opened by db4 - 1
Add/toggle line comment bug?
#67 opened by db4