CLI Tsup Template

This is a Nodejs CLI application development template that uses TypeScript as the development language and tsup as the build tool.

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Requires Node.js version 18+ or 20+.

Using the Template

Create the Template Locally

When executing the creation command, you can specify the project name and template name through options.

# npm 7+, requires additional double dashes:
npm create ts-frame@latest my-cli-app -- --template cli-tsup
# yarn
yarn create ts-frame my-cli-app --template cli-tsup
# pnpm
pnpm create ts-frame my-cli-app --template cli-tsup
# bun
bun create ts-frame my-cli-app --template cli-tsup

Install Dependencies

cd my-cli-project
npm install


  • Development mode: This will enable watch mode to rebuild code and output sourcemap files for debugging.
npm run dev
  • Build production environment code:
npm run build
  • Type check:
npm run typecheck

Debugging Program Execution

As I use vscode to develop CLI applications, corresponding debug configuration file .vscode/launch.json is provided. When you need to debug this project, first add breakpoints, then press F5 key to start Debugger mode. The Debugger mode will automatically exit when your CLI application execution ends.

Global Link Package

You can also establish a global link for this package so that you can test or debug code with real environments easily:

npm link

Afterwards, you can execute command "hello-cli" at any path under all terminals of your operating system. This command corresponds to value of option "bin" in file package.json.

When you no longer need this global link, you can manually remove it by executing in root directory of your project:

npm unlink -g

Dependency Description

If your third-party library is installed with DevDependencies during development time,executing npm run build will pack these dependencies into production environment codes.If program works abnormally after installing via this method,you should try installing them as production environment dependencies(Dependencies). When they are installed as production environment dependencies ,they won't be packed into production environment codes .