I am Software Engineer who is passionate of clean, loosely coupled, testable, and maintainable code.
Sydney, New South Wales
Pinned Repositories
An iOS demo application that demonstrates the support roster exhibiting the MVVM + RxSwift + Realm + Unit test.
A simple app to retrieve and display a list of Hospitals launches from https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hadanischal/ using MVVM pattern with RxSwift in Swift.
A simple app to retrieve and display a list of Restaurants launches from https://developers.zomato.com/api using MVVM pattern with RxSwift in Swift.
This application is an example to display News information using MVVM in flutter. It uses the News API (https://newsapi.org).
This application is an example to display News information using MVVM + RxSwift and (MVVM + RxSwift) example in Swift. It uses the News API (https://newsapi.org).
OpenJobs is a simple Demo project which aims to demonstrate the Jobs list using MVVM pattern with RxSwift in Swift.
iOS Proficiency Exercise (Banking) Overview The purpose of this exercise is to assess candidate developer’s iOS coding knowledge and style. The exercise involves build a “proof of concept” app which consumes a REST service and displays photos with headings and descriptions. The exercise will be evaluated on coding style, understanding of programming concepts, choice of techniques, and also by the developer’s process, as indicated by the trail of git commits. Specification Create a universal iOS app which: 1. Ingests a json feed from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2iodh4vg0eortkl/facts.json 2. You can use a third party json parser to parse this if desired. 3. The feed contains a title and a list of rows 4. Use Collection View to display the content. Making sure the CollectionViewCell size is dynamic and which should vary based on the image size. 5. Restrict the image to go to outside of the device width if image is having a larger width then your device. 6. Loads the images lazily 7. Don’t download them all at once, but only as needed 8. Refresh function 9. Each image having title at the bottom of the image. 10. For iphone & iPad (portrait)- When click on collection view image, navigate to detail page having title on navigation bar with image as banner and description at the bottom of the banner image. 11. For iphone & iPad (landscape)- When click on collection view image, navigate to detail page having title on navigation bar with image on the left hand side of the screen and description at the right hand side of the screen (ratio size of the screen between image and description is 30:70). Note - Should not block UI when loading the data from the json feed. Guidelines 1. Use Git to manage the source code. A clear Git history showing your process is required. 2. Scrolling the collection view should be smooth, even as images are downloading and getting added to the cells. 3. App should support both iPhone and iPad (in both orientations). 4. If threading is considered - Do no spawn threads manually by using performSelectorOnBackgroundThread, use GCD queues instead. 5. Use auto layout while designing the screen. 6. Comment your code where necessary. 7. Try to polish your code and the apps functionality as much as possible. 8. Commit your changes to git in small chunks with meaningful comments 9. Do not use any singletons in your submission Additional Requirements 1. Supports all iOS versions from the latest back to iOS8
Simple QRCode reader in Swift+MVVM+RxSwift. Implemented the library https://github.com/yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift. It is based on the AVFoundation framework from Apple in order to replace ZXing or ZBar for iOS 8.0 and over.
UITableViewController to display weather information of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane as start using MVVM pattern in Swift. Provide a way to add more cities using another modal view controller which includes a search functionality to find a city by name or location.
This application is an example to display weather information using MVVM + RxSwift in Swift. It uses the Openweathermap API (http://api.openweathermap.org) as an excuse to have a nice use-case.
hadanischal's Repositories
An iOS demo application that demonstrates the support roster exhibiting the MVVM + RxSwift + Realm + Unit test.
This application is an example to display weather information using MVVM + RxSwift in Swift. It uses the Openweathermap API (http://api.openweathermap.org) as an excuse to have a nice use-case.
This application is an example to display News information using MVVM + RxSwift and (MVVM + RxSwift) example in Swift. It uses the News API (https://newsapi.org).
OpenJobs is a simple Demo project which aims to demonstrate the Jobs list using MVVM pattern with RxSwift in Swift.
iOS Proficiency Exercise (Banking) Overview The purpose of this exercise is to assess candidate developer’s iOS coding knowledge and style. The exercise involves build a “proof of concept” app which consumes a REST service and displays photos with headings and descriptions. The exercise will be evaluated on coding style, understanding of programming concepts, choice of techniques, and also by the developer’s process, as indicated by the trail of git commits. Specification Create a universal iOS app which: 1. Ingests a json feed from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2iodh4vg0eortkl/facts.json 2. You can use a third party json parser to parse this if desired. 3. The feed contains a title and a list of rows 4. Use Collection View to display the content. Making sure the CollectionViewCell size is dynamic and which should vary based on the image size. 5. Restrict the image to go to outside of the device width if image is having a larger width then your device. 6. Loads the images lazily 7. Don’t download them all at once, but only as needed 8. Refresh function 9. Each image having title at the bottom of the image. 10. For iphone & iPad (portrait)- When click on collection view image, navigate to detail page having title on navigation bar with image as banner and description at the bottom of the banner image. 11. For iphone & iPad (landscape)- When click on collection view image, navigate to detail page having title on navigation bar with image on the left hand side of the screen and description at the right hand side of the screen (ratio size of the screen between image and description is 30:70). Note - Should not block UI when loading the data from the json feed. Guidelines 1. Use Git to manage the source code. A clear Git history showing your process is required. 2. Scrolling the collection view should be smooth, even as images are downloading and getting added to the cells. 3. App should support both iPhone and iPad (in both orientations). 4. If threading is considered - Do no spawn threads manually by using performSelectorOnBackgroundThread, use GCD queues instead. 5. Use auto layout while designing the screen. 6. Comment your code where necessary. 7. Try to polish your code and the apps functionality as much as possible. 8. Commit your changes to git in small chunks with meaningful comments 9. Do not use any singletons in your submission Additional Requirements 1. Supports all iOS versions from the latest back to iOS8
Simple QRCode reader in Swift+MVVM+RxSwift. Implemented the library https://github.com/yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift. It is based on the AVFoundation framework from Apple in order to replace ZXing or ZBar for iOS 8.0 and over.
iOS application exhibiting the MVVM pattern with Unit test which can run on iOS devices.
This is a simple Demo project which aims to demonstate the Star Wars Characters using MVVM pattern in Swift. The demo uses the Star Wars API as an excuse to have a nice use-case, because querying a WebService API is asynchronous by nature and is thus a good example for showing how It can be useful .
SwiftQueue Example implementing SwiftQueue library. Implemented Job Scheduler for IOS with Concurrent run, failure/retry, persistence, repeat, delay and more. Implemented the library https://github.com/lucas34/SwiftQueue
A simple app to retrieve and display a list of Restaurants launches from https://developers.zomato.com/api using MVVM pattern with RxSwift in Swift.
This application is an example to display News information using MVVM in flutter. It uses the News API (https://newsapi.org).
Airbnb's Swift Style Guide.
A simple app to retrieve and display a list of Hospitals launches from https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hadanischal/ using MVVM pattern with RxSwift in Swift.
AVFoundation helper classes for managing AVAssets and so on.
EventStoreHelperRx provides an interface for accessing and manipulating calendar events and reminders.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Markdown View for iOS.
An implementation of logarithmic zoom level getter & setter missed in MKMapView.
Ask permissions on Swift for Pushnotification
Simplest app to render point cloud in iOS using SceneKit
A MVP/VIPER style iOS codebase with clean architecture
A community-driven Ruby coding style guide
Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
Animate text change in UILabel (smooth transition) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3073520
StockMarketTrading displays a simple order placement ticket, displaying real-time updated Bitcoin prices.
Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
A Ruby script that scans all swift code from the specified folders and files and automatically generates an entity diagram (similar to a class diagram) which can be viewed in a browser.
A repository that contains information related to Lickability's best practices.