Generate an SQL assignment based on user's context


This app is for learning/fun purpose only. Its use-case is pretty much non-existent, and the data is definitely not the best for the job. But it is easily and freely accessible so... I used it. As you might see, this app is encountering one of the few problems of RAG technique - the app will only be as good as the context it gets from the vector store, and if the user's query is vogue, the similarity search will fail.

How to run:

Step 1

Download and install Ollama, through Ollama official website.

After installation, pull mistral and/or llama2 models with the following terminal command:

ollama pull mistral

ollama pull llama2

Make sure the ollama local server is up and running using ollama serve. The following error means the server is on, and you are ready for the next step: Error: listen tcp bind: address already in use.

Step 2

Clone repository and cd into it

git clone [repo's url]
cd cs_comps

Step 3

(Not mandatory)

Create a virtual environment, based on python3.10 or above, activate it and install all requirements:


python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate


python -m venv venv
cd venv
cd ../

Step 4

Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 5

Run the main app file:

streamlit run

The first run can take some long long time, since the app builds the vector-store with local resources. After that, it will always be loaded instead of created.