Java Utils - zero dependency library with useful utils
Use this class if you need to do some operations on Java objects, collections, or if you need to generate objects etc.
Uses Models Projector([removed in ver.1.0.2] -
Apache Commonts ([removed in ver.1.0.2] -
jUnit (
Install from Maven Central Repository.
Library contains some methods to
- Handle collections of elements
- Print and stringify object of any kind.
Some object utils e.g. POJO < - > DTO converter.- Some additional methods, e.g. Object Coalesce, wrapper for CompletionException, array element exists checker and more
Code has been splitted for some subclasses as below.
Example objects (see classes below)
Game gameA = null;
User userA = null;
Game gameB = new Game("Game 1", "game1", "category 1");
Game gameC = new Game("Game 2", "game2", "category 2");
Game gameD = new Game("Game 3", "game3", "category 1");
Game gameE = new Game("Game 4", "game4", "category 3");
List<Game> gamesCollection = new LinkedList<>(){{
add(gameB); add(gameC); add(gameD); add(gameE);
List<Game> gamesCollection2 = new LinkedList<>(){{
List<Game> gamesCollection3 = new LinkedList<>(){{
add(gameC); add(gameD);
List<Game> gamesCollection4 = new LinkedList<>(){{
CollectionUtils - methods usefult for handling collections
a) CollectionUtils::collGroupper - group collection of objects by object's method value / by property
<T extends EntityTag, S> Map<S, Set<T>> collGroupper<T extends EntityTag, S> Map<S, Set<T>> collGroupper(Collection<T> collection,Collector<? super T, ?, Map<S,Set<T>>> collector)
Map<String, Set<Game>> grouppedByCategory = CollectionUtils.collGroupper( gamesCollection, Game::getCategory );
{category 3=[Game{name='Game 4', gameTag='game4', category='category 3'}],category 2=[Game{name='Game 2', gameTag='game2', category='category 2'}],category 1=[Game{name='Game 1', gameTag='game1', category='category 1'},Game{name='Game 3', gameTag='game3', category='category 1'}]}
b) CollectionUtils.collGroupperFlatter - group collection of objects by object's method value / by property and flat to object value / property
<T extends EntityTag, S, R> Map<S, Set<R>> collGroupperFlatter(gamesCollection, Game::getCategory, Game::getName);
Map<String, Set<String>> gameNameByCategory = CollectionUtils.collGroupperFlatter( gamesCollection, Game::getCategory, Game::getName );
{category 3=[Game 4], category 2=[Game 2], category 1=[Game 1, Game 3]}
c) CollectionUtils.advancedTransFilter - collection's filter and transformer
Collection<T> advancedTransFilter(Collection<S> collection, Predicate<S> filter,Function<S,T> transformer)
Collection<Game> gameListNewCategory = CollectionUtils.advancedTransFilter( gamesCollection, g -> g.getCategory().equals("category 1"), g -> { g.setCategory("New category"); return g; } );
[Game{name='Game 1', gameTag='game1', category='New category'}, Game{name='Game 3', gameTag='game3', category='New category'}]
d) CollectionUtils::transformCollection - transform collection using multiple transformers
<T> Collection<T> transformCollection(Collection<T> collection,UnaryOperator<T> ...transformers)
Collection<Game> transformedCollection = CollectionUtils.transformCollection( gamesCollection, g -> { g.setCategory("New category"); return g; }, g -> { g.setName(g.getName().toUpperCase()); return g; }, g -> { g.setGameTag(g.getGameTag().toLowerCase()); return g; } );
[Game{name='GAME 1', gameTag='game1', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 2', gameTag='game2', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 3', gameTag='game3', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 4', gameTag='game4', category='New category'}]
e) CollectionUtils.findAll - search all elements in collection by predicate
<T> ArrayList<T> findAll(Collection<T> collection, Predicate<T> filter)
ArrayList<Game> gamesFromCategory1 = CollectionUtils.findAll( gamesCollection, game -> game.getCategory().equals("New category") );
[Game{name='GAME 1', gameTag='game1', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 2', gameTag='game2', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 3', gameTag='game3', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 4', gameTag='game4', category='New category'}]
f) CollectionUtils.getRandomElement - get element by index or random if index is out of bound
<T> T getRandomElement(List<T> list, int index)
Game randomGame = CollectionUtils.getRandomElement(gamesCollection, 5);
Game{name='GAME 2', gameTag='game2', category='New category'}
g) CollectionUtils::getFirstFromCollection - get first element from collection
<E> E getFirstFromCollection(Collection<E> collection)
Game firstGame = CollectionUtils.getFirstFromCollection(gamesCollection);
Game{name='GAME 1', gameTag='game1', category='New category'}
h) CollectionUtils::objGenerateSet + CollectionUtils::objGenerate - generate Set/List of objects by supplier
<T> Set<T> objGenerateSet(Integer n, Function<Integer, T> s) <T> ArrayList<T> objGenerate(Integer n, Function<Integer, T> s)
Set<Game> my5Games = CollectionUtils.objGenerateSet( 5, i -> new Game("Game " + i, "tag" + i, "category") ); ArrayList<Game> myAnother5Games = CollectionUtils.objGenerate( 5, i -> new Game("Game " + i, "tag" + i, "category") );
[Game{name='Game 0', gameTag='tag0', category='category'},Game{name='Game 1', gameTag='tag1', category='category'}, Game{name='Game 2', gameTag='tag2', category='category'},Game{name='Game 3', gameTag='tag3', category='category'}, Game{name='Game 4', gameTag='tag4', category='category'}] [Game{name='Game 0', gameTag='tag0', category='category'},Game{name='Game 1', gameTag='tag1', category='category'},Game{name='Game 2', gameTag='tag2', category='category'},Game{name='Game 3', gameTag='tag3', category='category'},Game{name='Game 4', gameTag='tag4', category='category'}]
i) CollectionUtils::listsCombiner
<T> List<T> listsCombiner(List<? extends T>... lists)
List<Game> combinedList = CollectionUtils.listsCombiner(gamesCollection2, gamesCollection3, gamesCollection4);
[Game{name='GAME 1', gameTag='game1', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 2', gameTag='game2', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 3', gameTag='game3', category='New category'},Game{name='GAME 4', gameTag='game4', category='New category'}]
j) CollectionUtils::anyOkFromCollection, CollectionUtils::allNotOkFromCollection, CollectionUtils::allOkFromCollection
<T> boolean allOkFromCollection(Collection<T> collection, Predicate<? super T> condition) <T> boolean allNotOkFromCollection(Collection<T> collection, Predicate<? super T> condition) <T> boolean anyOkFromCollection(Collection<T> collection, Predicate<? super T> condition)
boolean collectionContainsGameCategory1 = CollectionUtils.anyOkFromCollection( gamesCollection2, game -> game.getCategory().equals("category 1") ); boolean collectionNotContainsGameCategory1 = CollectionUtils.allNotOkFromCollection( gamesCollection2, game -> game.getCategory().equals("category 1") ); boolean collectionContainsOnlyGameCategory1 = CollectionUtils.allOkFromCollection( gamesCollection2, game -> game.getCategory().equals("category 1") );
false, true, false
ObjectUtils - operations on objects.a) ObjectUtils::convertPojoToDto - convert POJO - > DTO-
signatures<T extends DtoObject, S extends EntityTag> T convertPojoToDto(Class<T> targetClass, S post) <T extends DtoObject, S extends EntityTag> List<T> convertPojoToDto(Class<T> targetClass, Collection<S> post)
usage// single object conversion GameDto gameDtoResult = ObjectUtils.convertPojoToDto(GameDto.class, gameB); // collection of POJOs List<GameDto> gameDtoResults = ObjectUtils.convertPojoToDto(GameDto.class, new ArrayList<Game>(){{ add(gameB); add(gameC); add(gameD); }}); ```
resultGameDto object ( GameDto{name='Game 1'} ) GameDto objects ( [GameDto{name='Game 1'}, GameDto{name='Game 2'}, GameDto{name='Game 3'}] )
b) ObjectUtils::convert - convert DTO -> POJO-
signature<T, S> T convert(Class<T> targetClass, S post)
usageGame game = ObjectUtils.convert(Game.class, gameDtoResult);
resultGame object ( Game{name='Game 1'} )
see more( ) -
ThreadUtils - multithread programming utils. a) ThreadUtils::excToCompletableExc - wrap CompletionException exceptions in CompletableFuture
CompletionException excToCompletableExc(Throwable tex)
/* * wrap custom exception in completable future and throw * to be able to handle this exception later (unwrap and handle) */ CompletableFuture.allOf( CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { throw ThreadUtils.excToCompletableExc(new CustomException("Example exception")); }) ) .handle((res, ex) -> { if (ex != null && ex.getCause() instanceof CustomException) { return (CustomException) ex.getCause(); } return null; });
you can handle CustomException in .handle() method
General Utils - other useful methods.
Utils.coalesce(gameA, userA, gameB, gameC) Utils.coalesce( () -> null, () -> gameB, () -> gameC ); // Game{name='Game 1', gameTag='game1', category='category 1'} // Game{name='Game 1', gameTag='game1', category='category 1'} // first not null element
int rand1 = Utils.rand(0, 100); // random number from 0 to 100 int rand2 = Utils.rand(115, 200); // random number from 115 to 200
String randString = Utils.getRandString(32); // random string 32 characters (e.g. ppS4NlSGnSTo7HuwPkvIV14HOBUPKdXh)
String strings[] = {"abc", "def", "ghi"}; Utils.arrayInclude(strings, "def"); // true Utils.arrayInclude(strings, "defghi"); // false
Object stringifer - var_dump / object printer.
interface Printeable { default String stringify() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, new ObjectStringifer.PrintToStringStyle()); } default String deepStringify() { return (new ObjectStringifer.DeepObjectPrinter()).toString(this); } }
Usage: Implement this interface if you want your object/class to be stringifeable.
public class Game implements Printeable {} Game game = new Game("Game 1", "game1", "category 1"); String gameStr1 = gameB.stringify(); // [name=Game 1,gameTag=game1,category=category 1] String gameStr2 = game.deepStringify()); // org.bitbucket.javautils.test.classes.Game[name=Game 1,gameTag=game1,category=category 1][] // object printers game.print(); game.deepPrint();
Classes used in examples above
see source code, package test.classes
- Slawomir Hadas - author - Github