This repository contains the code of Chrome & Firefox add-on for popular task managers such us Jira, Targetprocess, Taiga and Backlog. The AddOn provides a few additional features such us timer, reminders, notes, todos and a few useful panels e.g. logged time component, people, last activity stream components and a few more.
PROJECT IS IN PROGRESS.... 80% things done, 100% should be in 2, 3, max 4 weeks.
First version of this AddOn is being developed for Chrome and for JIRA only. Other browsers and other task managers require additional adapters to be added later.
Project is written in ReactJS, Typescript, uses Redux Saga and Redux Toolkit. Also, there are a few popular technical concepts used here, e.g. Atomic design, Compound components, HOCs, Render Props, Context, Hooks and also some tools like Prettier, Husky, LintStaged.
Project is bootstrapped with React Boilerplate meets CRA. Project uses JiraJS, MaterialUI. Thanks to anymore1405 for great project Redux-toolkit-saga and inspiration. Thanks MrRefactoring for jira.js.
I accept every contribution which makes sense.
Every help makes me happy.
Everything makes me happy, makes sense. 😉🙂