
Discord Bot with 20+ functionalities, anywhere from music bot, market updates, to weather updates, local gas price, football league updates, local park availability, etc.

Primary LanguagePython


Has 23 scripts, most are functional, some are currently on hold for some updates

Scripts in alphabetical order, their description and the modules used
  1. AoE.py: Posts the unique units of the chosen Age of Empire civilization [Web Scraping | Selenium] - command: !aoe [civ]

  2. animeRating: Posts the anime's rating/episodes/link to watch in embeded format [Web Scraping | BeautifulSoup] - command: !anime [anime]

  3. camelcamel.py: Posts the item's graph of all-time prices as a picture [Web Scraping | lxml] - command !camel [item name]

  4. coin.py: Posts the crypto coin's price, daily change and icon in embeded format [API request & Web Scraping | LiveCoinWatch & BeautifulSoup] - command: !coin [coin]

  5. covid.py: Posts the COVID stats (infections, hospitalizations, deaths) as per the Government's official website [Web Scraping | BeautifulSoup] - command: !covid

  6. currencyConvert.py: Converts a value in one currency to its value in another currency based on LIVE exchange rate [Utility & API request | ExchangeRate] - command: !convert [value] [from currency] [to this currency]

  7. ethymology.py: Posts the etymology of the word based on etymonline [Web Scraping | BeautifulSoup] - command: !et [word]

  8. flip.py: Flips a coin (heads or tail) [Utility] - command: !flip

  9. gas.py: Posts average gas prices (ordinary, intermediary and premium) in the given city [Web Scraping | BeautifulSoup] - command: !gas [region]

  10. grandexchange.py: Posts the name, icon, current price, today's price change, 30day/90day/180day price change of an Oldschool Runescape item [API request & Web Scraping | OSRS Api & BeautifulSoup] - command: !ge [item name]

  11. leaguesTable.py: Posts the football(soccer) 5 main leagues current table standings [Web Scraping | BeautifulSoup] - command: !table [country]

  12. meteo.py: Posts current local 8-days forecast weather [API request | OpenWeatherMap API] - command: !weather

  13. mp3.py: Posts the .mp3 file of the video you've requested [Utility | youtube-dl] - command: !mp3 link

  14. music.py: Bot enters the channel and streams the music requested (be it a link or a simple search) [Utility | youtube-dl] - command: !play [requested video or search]

  15. odds.py: Calculates the odd of a specific event having happened (contextually used for item drops or events in videogames) [Utility] - command: !odds [number of times you got the time] [number of attempts] [item drop rate]

  16. parcFoot.py: Posts the weekly schedule of the local park, allowing us to know when it's free to go play football(soccer) [Web Scraping | Selenium] - command: !foot

  17. percentage.py: Calculates the % gain or % decrease between two values [Utility] - command: !percentage [from value] [to value]

  18. post.py: Bot downloads the requested video and posts it as a .mp4 directly to the channel (ALSO SUPPORTS TIME INTERVALS) [Utility | youtube-dl] - command: !post [video link, be it youtube, instagram, tiktok, vimeo, etc.] [timestamp start (default=None)] [timestamp stop (default=None)]

  19. reminder.py: (Currently not completed) Reminds someone about something they wanted in a specific time they requested [Utility] - command: !remindme [value] [time unit] [message]

  20. run.py: (Currently limited usage for safety) Runs a python code written within discord itself and posts the results [Utility] - command: !run [python code]

  21. steam.py: Posts the requested game's current price on Steam and whether there's a discount on it or not [Web Scraping | lxml] - command !steam [game name]

  22. stock.py: Posts the stock price, daily change, high of the day, open price, previous close price and volume, including its icon [API request | yfinance API] - command: !stock [NASDAQ ticker]

  23. trans.py: Translates a message from one language (auto-detected) into the requested language [API request | GoogleTranslate API] - command: !translate [target language] [original text]