
Binary classification aiming to predict data exfiltration via DNS.

implement a binary classifier aiming at predicting data exfiltration via DNS. Implement two predictive modeling solutions: the static model, and another solution that adapts through time.

For both problems you will have 2 independent datasets, that should be treated accordingly:

• A “static_dataset.csv” file which you can use to train a static model. • A “kafka_dataset.csv” file that you should treat as a data stream (local Kafka Server) which will be used to evaluate the dynamic model.

Part I (Static Model):

Welcome, you are now part of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, yesterday the Prime Minister approved the financial support to create our group and our first task will be to create a static Machine Learning Model based on batch data. You will be provided with top secret files obtained from our allies Ring Canada (RC) and the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI).
The dataset provided to you has DNS traffic generated by exfiltrating various file types ranging from small to large sizes.
Your job here will be to follow the standard ML cycle and train the best model possible. Perform the following analysis and steps to your

data and model:

  1. Data Analysis: Using the file called “static_dataset.csv”, check using plots and statistical tools the distribution of each feature and the target variable, validate if your dataset is imbalanced and if you have any type of data skewed pattern. Justify all your findings with plots or graphs.
  2. Feature engineering and data cleaning: Analyze the data inside the .csv file (static_dataset.csv) and transform the variables that contain string values, so that all of them can be used in the model. Check for missing values and categorical values. Tip: you might find useful an embedding technique or hashing
  3. Feature Filtering/Selection: Use at least two different statistical techniques to evaluate which features are the best to train your model, give a final list of those you will use and justify your answer based on the results obtained from your analysis.
  4. Model Training: Split the data using a method you find suitable and justify it. Normalize your data and train the selected model. In this point it is crucial that you analyze which metrics and performance evaluation will be the best for your model. Select two learning algorithms and provide a comparison of their metrics. Select the one that shows the best performance to be reused on the second part.
  5. Model evaluation: It will not be enough to split your data into train and test to justify the results of your model. Plot the performance metrics and perform a critical analysis of them. Save your model for using it in the second part.

Part II (Dynamic Model):

The Chief of Cyber Security has read your report and the managing directors are threatening with closing down our branch because even though your results were outstanding, we are not using enough technological tools as they would like. In order to fulfill the board’s requests our analysis team has proposed to make an alternative analysis using Online Learning. The purpose of this second task will be to simulate a real-life scenario of a constant data stream. Make predictions on the new data that arrives in realtime and register the performance of two different models.

• Static model – will be the same that you saved in the previous task, and it will not change at all.
• Dynamic model – At the beginning, this model will be the same as the static, loaded from our previous task, you will then use windows of 1,000 observations and make an analysis of whether or not, it is a good idea to retrain the model. If needed, retrain and plot your results