Stationeers dedicated server script

The purpose of this script is to help server admins create & manage a Stationeers dedicated server.

It runs the server in a tmux window to leave your console free for other commands.

Installation / configuration

Run the following command to get the script on your linux server.

wget -O && chmod +x

Next, Edit the settings

At the top of the script are a number of settings that you can customise to suite your needs. Be sure to change the ones that are set to "CHANGEME"!


Once you've customised the settings, install the dedicated server:

./ install

OR, if you've set UPDATE_ON_START=1 you just start the server:

./ start

In either case, if SteamCMD is not in the expected location it will be installed. Then, if the dedicated server is not in the expected location it will also be installed.

Start or restart the server

./ start


./ restart

These commands both do the same thing.

Stop the server

./ stop

This will attempt to save the world and stop the server gracefully. If it takes too long (>10 secs) it will just kill it.

Kill the server

./ kill

This will just kill the server. No save. No graceful shutdown.

Update the server

./ update

Updates the server files from SteamCMD and then restarts the server instance.

View the server console

./ console

This will attach the tmux window allowing you to see and interact with the server session directly.

To exit the console you must use CTRL-B, D. If you close the session any other way it will kill the server.