Public transport fastest-route finder for Israel Railways
OPTION 1: MSVC (Windows only)
You will need Visual Studio 2013 (the runtime is VC 12.0), and boost libraries v1.57 or newer. Open HaRail.sln in VS and edit the project include and lib directories to point to your boost installation.
OPTION 2: MinGW/GCC (Windows\Linux)
install boost (libboost-all-dev in debian)
Create the directories "Release" and "HaRail/GCC_Release"
Run mingw32-make or make, respectively. If you are compiling with mingw on Windows, edit Makefile to point to your boost include directory.
OPTION 3: Cross-GCC (Android)
install libboost-all-dev and arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
Create the directories "Release" and "HaRail/GCC_Release"
Run make with ANDROID=1 in environment variables OR run the script which will also copy the output binary to your phone's /data/local/tmp directory
The program expects to find a GTFS database; at C:\irw_gtfs2 for debug builds (~/irw_gtfs2 on linux) and at ./irw_gtfs2 for release builds.
You can get at (see for more info). Then, you need to strip it of all the irrelevant info. This can be done using the IRWConverter C# program (also present in my github repos)