
Rest API to import and query investigation data.

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Rest API to import and query investigation data with NestJs, MongoDB, TypeORM, and TypeScript.


Install nodejs and mongodb in your machine.

# 1. Clone the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/hadeyici/investigation-api.git

# 2. Enter your newly-cloned folder.
$ cd investigation-api

# 3. Install dependencies.
$ npm install


Create .env file cp .env.example .env and replace existing env variables (mongodb connection params)

Running the app

# Run development server and open http://localhost:3000
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e


Server will listen on port 3000, and it expose the following APIs:

  • POST - /investigations - Upload a new csv file | keys in csv file;

    • eventType - string ('fileCreated', 'fileAccessed', 'fileDownloaded', 'eventRecordCreated' or 'fileExecuted')
    • deviceName - string
    • tags - string[]
    • data - object[]
    • userName - string (optional)
  • GET - /investigations - Returns investigations | search params;

    • startDate - string
    • endDate - string
    • eventType - (optional)
    • deviceName - (optional)
    • tags - (optional)
    • data - (optional)
    • userName - (optional)

Request and Responses

POST /investigations upload csv file

  • Request

Example csv file: example.csv;

"Kane"|"fileCreated"|"mobile"|["faketon","ma"]|[{"job":{"name":"worker","sallary":"2 thousand"},"favorite":"Facebook"}]
"Mila"|"fileAccessed"|"pc"|["city","fr"]|[{"job":{"name":"teacher","sallary":"4 thousand"},"favorite":"Facebook"}]
  • Response
statusCode: HTTP Status Code,
"msg": Success / Error Message,

GET /investigations returns investigations

  • Request
`GET /investigations?startDate=2021-11-25&endDate=2021-11-27&eventType=eventRecordCreated&deviceName=pc&userName=Leon&tags=["vancouver","faketon"]&data=mer`
  • Response
  "data": [
      "id": "61a1032755e63a7150ac905c",
      "userName": "Leon",
      "eventType": "eventRecordCreated",
      "deviceName": "pc",
      "tags": [
      "data": [
          "job": {
            "name": "farmer",
            "sallary": null
          "favorite": "Instagram",
          "married": true
      "date": "2021-11-26T15:54:15.209Z"
  "total": 1,
  "hasNext": false


  "data": [],
  "total": 0,
  "hasNext": false