In this tutorial, we will create a simple app that send your tweets in your telegram channel. We will cover the following things:
- We will get familar with tweepy (famous library for twitter API)
- We will learn how to use twitter Stream API
- We will learn how to use Telegram Core API
- We will how to connect telegram bot to twitter API
First of all, let's do twitter part. Go to this link and create a new App. Fill all necessary forms (name, description, and webiste) in that page and press Create your Twitter application
In the next page go to the Keys and Access Tokens
tab section, to see your API key and API secret. In this tab and at the end of the page, click on Create my access token
button. It will generate Access token and Acess token secret. These 4 keys are necessary for communicating with Twitter API.
Twitter part is almost done. You can test your tokens simple application like bellow: """
!pip install tweepy
import json
from tweepy import OAuthHandler
from tweepy import Stream
from tweepy import StreamListener
class Listener(StreamListener):
def on_data(self, data):
all_data = json.loads(data)
tweet = all_data.get("text")
return True
API_SECRET = "W9DCxTEX5HlL2Hb5i6UAZaSZ7CdLgTvHpluJv39Ce2rO0Zjp4U"
ACCESS_TOKEN = "2819616027-clMvryugR0JtRcPCKJqTZsllGm8YlY14CAOjOPi"
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = "uq0UQna5r24K5wISlro7e1quH5AXo9s5EzIdkapxtZjoP"
auth = OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
stream = Stream(auth, Listener())
"""This piece of code will track all tweets with 'google' keyword and print the text for you. That's cool isn't it? Now let's inetegrate our Twitter API with Telegram.
In order to send your tweets into telegram channel you can create a Telegram Bot to do it for you. There are 3 steps to go:
- Create public Channel
- Create a telegram bot with BotFather
- Set the bot as administrator in your channel
Creating Channel, Telegram Bot and set Bot as administrator is fairly easy. When you create a bot with BotFather it will send you a key similar to mine (Use your own key otherwise it not going to work):
Change your Listener class in previous section to bellow: """
class Listener(StreamListener):
ENDPOINT = "{}/sendMessage?chat_id={}&text={}"
TELEGRAM_BOT_API_KEY = "665963134:AAGYRZ4cMbP_Q2zoCVusiFawSi5bsX9G05U"
TELEGRAM_CHANNEL_NAME = "@my_channel_name" # @ symbol is mandatory
def on_data(self, data):
all_data = json.loads(data)
tweet = all_data["text"]
req = self.ENDPOINT.format(self.TELEGRAM_BOT_API_KEY,
return True
def on_error(self, status):
print ('error with status code' + str(status))
"""As you can see, we make HTTP request with requests
package. So before executing above script do not forget to install requests.
pip install requests
If you want to stream specific user time-line, you should change your code a little.
First, find out twitter account ID with or search google for How to find our twitter ID". For example my twitter ID is 2810616827.
Change your code into: """
API_SECRET = "W9DCxTEX5HlL2Hb5i6UAZaSZ7CdLgTvHpluJv39Ce2rO0Zjp4U"
ACCESS_TOKEN = "2819616027-clMvryugR0JtRcPCKJqTZsllGm8YlY14CAOjOPi"
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = "uq0UQna5r24K5wISlro7e1quH5AXo9s5EzIdkapxtZjoP"
auth = OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
stream = Stream(auth, Listener())
stream.filter(follow=['2810616827']) # Listen to my Twitter ID