
This is a yummy recipes Api which allows users to create and manipulate food Recipes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Badge Badge



yummyrecipes_api is a RESTFul web api that let's users create accounts, login and create, view, edit and delete categories and recipes.


see the API Documentation by following this url


The API demo is deployed on heroku at https://hadijahyummyrecipe-api.herokuapp.com/apidocs/#/

Requirements(Building Blocks)

  • Python3 - A programming language that lets us work more quickly (The universe loves speed!).
  • Flask - A microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions
  • Virtualenv - A tool to create isolated virtual environment
  • PostgreSQL – Postgres database offers many advantages over others.
  • Psycopg2 – A Python adapter for Postgres.
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy – A Flask extension that provides support for SQLAlchemy.
  • Flask-Migrate – Offers SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask apps using Alembic.


First clone this repository

$ git clone @https://github.com/hadijahkyampeire/newyummy_api
$ cd Yummy-Recipe-RestAPI

Create virtual environment and install it

$ virtualenv --python=python3 venv
$ source /venv/bin/activate

Then install all the necessary dependencies by

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set environment varibles and setup database

On windows

You need to create a test database for tests to run postgres# CREATE DATABASE test_db At the terminal or console type

set APP_SETTINGS=development
set DATABASE_URL_DEV=postgresql://postgres:@localhost/flask_api
psql -U postgres
postgres# CREATE DATABASE yummy_api

On linux/Ubuntu or Mac

At the terminal or console type

export APP_SETTINGS=development
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:@localhost/flask_api
psql -U postgres
postgres# CREATE ROLE postgres
postgres# CREATE DATABASE flask_api

Initialize the database and create database tables

$ python manage.py db init
$ python manage.py db migrate
$ python manage.py db upgrade

Run the server

At the terminal or console type

python run.py

Testing and knowing coverage

To run tests run this command at the console/terminal

nosetests or
python manage.py test

To run tests with coverage run this command at the console/terminal

python manage.py test_cov or
nosetests -v --with-coverages


End points Functionality Access
/api/v1/auth/register Post, create account PUBLIC
/api/v1/auth/login post, login PUBLIC
/api/v1/auth/reset_password post, logout PUBLIC
/api/v1/auth/logout post, logout PUBLIC
/api/v1/categories/ post, add category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/ Get, retrieve all categories PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id Get, retrieve one category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id Put, Edit a category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id Delete, Delete a category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id/recipes post, add a recipe to a category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id/recipes Get, retrieve all recipes in a given category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id/recipes/id Get, retrieve a recipe in a given category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id/recipes/id Put, Edit a recipe in a given category PRIVATE
/api/v1/categories/id/recipes/id Delete, Delete a recipe in a given category PRIVATE
----------------- ----------------------- -------------------

Test your setup using a client app like postman