
Effortlessly deploy Docker Compose apps in production with zero downtime using an opinionated template 🛠️

Primary LanguagePython

Docker Compose Anywhere

A streamlined template for effortless application hosting on a single, powerful server or VM.

💡 Motivation

Simplify infrastructure management without the complexity of Kubernetes or intricate cloud setups. Most applications can run reliably on a single server/VM, leveraging the power of modern hardware.

Docker compose is great for local development, but running docker compose in production is challenging due to downtime, this template addresses zero downtime deployment and the setup with github actions

You can read more here on this blog or Hacker News Post

🛠️ What this template offers?

  • One-click Linux server setup with GitHub Actions
  • Secure SSH and SCP for seamless docker deployment and environment variable management
  • Zero-downtime continuous deployment using GitHub Container Registry and Docker Rollout
  • Effortless secrets management with GitHub Secrets, automatically copied to your VM/Server
  • Continuous deployment through Deploy action for specified services on code merge
  • Automated Postgres database backups via GitHub Action cron jobs
  • Run multiple apps (e.g., Next.js, Python/Go servers) on a single VM
  • Automated SSL setup with Traefik and Let's Encrypt (just add an A record to your DNS provider and you are all set)

Let's Get Started! 🚀

Follow these simple steps to set up your Docker Compose Anywhere environment:

1. Server Setup

  • Choose a cloud provider of your choice (e.g,DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS, GCP, or Hetzner)
  • Select a supported Linux distribution (see Docker's supported platforms)
  • Open only ports 22 (SSH), 80 (HTTP), and 443 (HTTPS)

2. SSH Configuration

  1. Generate an SSH key locally:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<server-user-name>"
  2. Copy public key to your server through following command or do it manually:

    ssh-copy-id user@your_server_ip

    or copy the public key to your server manually, and append it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your server

  3. Copy private key to clipboard:

    • macOS: pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    • Linux: xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  4. Add the following GitHub repository secrets:

    • SSH_KEY: Paste private key
    • HOST: Server's public IP
    • USER: Server username

3. Initialize Your VM

  1. Go to GitHub repository "Actions" tab
  2. Find "VM Initialization" workflow
  3. Click "Run workflow"
  4. Wait for successful completion
  5. Upon completion, your server will have Docker and Docker Compose installed with all the correct permissions

4. Environment Setup

Development environment example

  1. Create .env file with app environment variables. You can use .env.sample as a reference. Depending on your application and docker-compose-deploy setup you might need to add additional environment variables, adjust subdomains according to your domain setup, etc.
  2. Add entire .env contents as ENV_FILE secret variable in github secrets

Following are the variables consumed by the github actions

Secret Variable Description
SSH_KEY The private SSH key for accessing your server
HOST The public IP address or hostname of your server
USER The username for SSH access to your server
ENV_FILE The entire contents of your .env file, workflow will copy these to your server
POSTGRES_USER (optional) Only consumed by database migration script
DOZZLE_USER_YAML (optional) Optional configuration for docker logging view

5. Docker Compose Configuration

Use docker-compose.yml for local development and docker-compose-deploy.yml for production.

Local Development (docker-compose.yml)

  • Use docker-compose.yml for consistent local development environment
  • Modify services as needed for your project
  • Adjust Traefik routing:
    • Update labels for your services, such as port and domain for traefik
    • Local development does not use tls
  • Deploy pipeline will only build and push images for services that have build configuration in docker-compose.yml

Production Deployment (docker-compose-prod.yml)

Important: For CI/CD and deployment:

  1. In the deploy script, specify comma-separated services for CI/CD (e.g., SERVICES_TO_PUSH: "web,api").
  2. In docker-compose-deploy.yml:
    • Define infrastructure services (e.g., PostgreSQL, Redis, Traefik) without CI/CD.
    • List these as dependencies for your application services to ensure proper startup order.

This approach addresses Docker Rollout limitations and ensures correct deployment order. See docker-compose-deploy.yml for reference.

  • Use docker-compose-deploy.yml for server deployment
  • Configure TLS in this file, it's already configured for traefik
  • Update image names to use GitHub Packages:
    image: ghcr.io/{username-or-orgname}/{repository-name}/{service}:{version}
  • Specify services for continuous deployment (e.g., web, api) in the SERVICES_TO_PUSH environment variable
  • Keep infrastructure services (e.g., Traefik, PostgreSQL, Redis) separate from CI/CD pipeline, they are only mentioned as dependencies and compose will ensure they are always restarted

6. Understanding the Deployment Process

The deployment script performs these key actions:

  • Copies your .env file to the server
  • Updates docker-compose-prod.yml on the server
  • Deploys services with zero downtime:
    • Pulls latest images from GitHub Packages
    • Performs health checks
    • Rolls out updates without interruptions

7. Realtime Docker Logging (Optional)

  • Dozzle is used for realtime docker logging
  • For example username and password setup create a users.yml e.g, users.yml and add it to github secrets DOZZLE_USER_YAML.

Quick Demo:

For quick demo you can follow my example site

Next Steps

Only for AWS specific environments (Not cloud native yet)

  • For AWS specific environments planning to use Chamber to manage secrets, and removing .env file
  • Using AWS Systems Manager to run scripts... no need for SSH keys
  • Recipes for EC2 security patches using AWS systems manager