
a basis for University of Tehran Computer Networks S97 Project 2 (https://gitlab.com/hadi_sfr/hadoop-docker)

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hadoop Docker

Build the image

If you'd like to pull this image directly from the Docker hub you can build the image as:

  1. Using caches :
docker build  -t cnp2 .
  1. Don't use caches : If you want to refresh config files in your image use below command to build your image. This ignores any cache for line after ARG RECONFIG=1 and execute every line. It is useful if you want to change config files.
docker build -t cnp2 --build-arg RECONFIG=$(date +%s) .

Run the image :

There are two ways to run hadoop single-node and multi-node (default config of image is single-node). You can change image behavior with some environment variable and change it to multi-node.


Just run this:

docker run -it cnp2 


First create the net:

docker network create --subnet= hadoop-cluster

Then run the created container:

docker run --net hadoop-cluster --ip -it ubuntu bash

At last, run slave and master nodes:

docker run --net hadoop-cluster --ip -it -e HADOOP_HOSTS=" master, slave1" cnp2
docker run --net hadoop-cluster --ip -it -e HADOOP_HOSTS=" master, slave1" -e MY_ROLE="master" cnp2

Run Map-Reduce

  1. Compile
hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main WordCount.java
  1. Create Jar file
jar cf wc.jar WordCount*.class
  1. Run
hadoop jar wc.jar WordCount /user/sina/data /user/sina/output

You can monitor progress on MapReduce Job Monitoring (port 8088) and HDFS Monitoring (port 50070). Also, you may use Datanode (port 50075) or MapReduce JobHistory Server (port 19888).

  1. See Output
hdfs dfs -ls /user/sina/output

To see a list of available File System Shell's commands, see here.