
A Java implementation of a multidimensional histogram backed on dense/conventional OR sparse array. Extremely efficient when number of dimensions is large and back-store is sparse array. This module depends on other projects which can be found on my repo here. See README below to see what you need to download.

Primary LanguageJava


author: andreas hadjiprocopis (andreashad2@gmail.com)

This is a module implementing a Histogram in N-dimensions. Meaning that bins do not exist in a one-dimensional space as they usually do but can be in N-dimensions.

N can be large. In the case of large N, it is better to use the back-store.

This module depends on the following modules in this repository:
containers (https://github.com/hadjiprocopis/containers) statistics (https://github.com/hadjiprocopis/statistics) cartesian (https://github.com/hadjiprocopis/cartesian) hadjiprocopis_utils (https://github.com/hadjiprocopis/hadjiprocopis_utils)

Here is an example on how to use this module:

import  java.util.Random;
import  java.util.HashMap;
import  java.util.ArrayList;
import  java.io.PrintWriter;

import  ahp.org.Histograms.*;
import  ahp.org.Containers.*;

public class TestHistograms_SparseArray {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
	// Here we create labels for each bin in the histogram.
	// We are going to create 2-dimensional histogram with
	// 2 bins in each dimension.
	// Labels to bins are optional.
	String  labels[/*dims*/][/*num bins/labels per dim*/] =
		new String[][]{
			new String[]{"a", "b"},
			new String[]{"a", "b"},

	// Here we create the 2-dimensional histogram
	Histogram ahist = new Histogram<SparseArray<Histobin>>(
		// histogram name
		"a histogram1",
		// labels (a string array) if any, otherwise will create default
		// specify the number of dimensions and the number of bins in each dimension
		new int[]{2, 2}, // numbins per dim
		// bin widths for each dimension
		new double[]{1,1}, // bin widths
		// bins start from 0 in both dimensions
		new double[]{0,0}, // boundaries start
		// Some magic: specify what backing store you want
		// can also be DenseArray.class
		// from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37231043/how-to-keep-generic-type-of-nested-generics-with-class-tokens
		(Class<SparseArray<Histobin>> )(Class<?> )SparseArray.class

	// and here we are adding data to the histogram
	// this says increment the count of the bin with this LABEL
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new String[]{"a", "a"});
	// whereas this one finds the bin given coordinates of the data
	// e.g. data (0.1,0.3) falls into the bin (0,0) (given that they
	// start from 0 and have a width of 1 (see above)
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.1, 0.3});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.1, 0.3});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.1, 0.3});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.1, 0.3});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.1, 0.3});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.2, 0.5});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.3, 1.2});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{0.4, 1.5});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{1.1, 0.1});
	ahist.increment_bin_count(new double[]{1.2, 1.4});

	System.out.println("Histogram with preset-labels: "+ahist);

	// here we decrement bin counts
	System.out.println("******************* DECREMENTING ");
	ahist.decrement_bin_count(new double[]{1.2, 1.4});
	ahist.decrement_bin_count(new double[]{0.2, 0.2});
	ahist.decrement_bin_count(new double[]{0.2, 0.2});
	ahist.decrement_bin_count(new double[]{0.2, 0.2});
	ahist.decrement_bin_count(new double[]{0.2, 0.2});
	System.out.println("after decrement Histogram with preset-labels: "+ahist);

	// Here we are sampling from the histogram
	// basically we are asking for the content of a bin
	// it will return a Histobin object
	Histobin abin;
	// select by a coordinate inside a bin:
	abin = ahist.get_bin(new double[]{0.2, 0.2});
	System.out.println("Selected bin: "+abin);
	// select by bin-label
	abin = ahist.get_bin(new String[]{"a", "b"});
	System.out.println("Selected bin: "+abin);
	// select by bin-coordinate (integer)
	abin = ahist.get_bin(new int[]{0, 1});
	System.out.println("Selected bin: "+abin);
	// This is where the magic happens
	// we are asking for bins selected by a wildcard: first dim to be 'a' and second dim any (*)
	// (courtesy of the CARTESIAN module)
	Random arng = new Random(1234);
	HistogramSampler asampler = ahist.sampler(arng);
	// get all bins whose first coordinate is 'a' and second is anything (*)
	asampler.select_bins_using_wildcard_labels(new String[]{"a", "*"});
	// and print those bins:
	System.out.println("random bin: with '0-*' : "+asampler.random_bin_from_selection());

The above example can be run using

ant clean && ant && ant TestHistograms_SparseArray

There is more magic to this module which will be documented in due time.

author: andreas hadjiprocopis (andreashad2@gmail.com)