
My random scripting

Primary LanguageShell

Seafile init script

This file is part of the guide Deploying Seafile with nginx and MySQL on Debian Wheezy. Feel free to report issues and/or pull requests.


Fairly straight-forward. If you need latest available release, type:

sudo wget https://github.com/hadret/Scripts/raw/master/seafile/seafile -O /etc/init.d/seafile
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/seafile
sudo update-rc.d seafile defaults 21

If you are aiming into some particular version, check out available branches and modify link accordingly. Here's an example for stable-1.7.0 branch:

sudo wget https://github.com/hadret/Scripts/raw/stable-1.7.0/seafile/seafile -O /etc/init.d/seafile


(Remember to add yourself when pull requesting).