
Simple python YAML to fstab parser

Primary LanguagePython

Parse YAML to /etc/fstab

This simple script parses YAML file into a valid /etc/fstab file.


  • python 3.6+
  • PyYAML


Assuming python version mentioned in the requirements is present, you may just install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After that, just run the script:


If chmod +x isn't your style, use python interpreter directly:

python fstab.py

By default fstab.yaml is going to be read from the CWD but you can also pass in file as an argument:

./fstab.py some_other_fstab.yaml

Closing Thoughts

The idea was to keep the script as simple as possible while trying to keep the code readable. I may have overdo it a bit with options parsing but I believe it's still good enough™. Initially I didn't provide handling of the file specified as an argument but I thought it would be a nice touch so now it's included for your convenience. Of course right afterwards it made me thinking about argsparse usage, but I decided this would be too much.

I intentionally omitted root-reserve: 10% as it's not a setting for /etc/fstab file and is instead an option for ext filesystems that can be set using tune2fs (or when creating the filesystem with mke2fs). I would imagine there might be some other script running against the same (set of) file(s) that would take that value and either run tune2fs directly or print the command for the administrator to execute manually.