
An app starter to begin a beautiful project with nodejs and babel

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An app starter to begin a beautiful project with nodejs and babel


You need nodejs 4.x. I suggest you to use nvm to be able to pick the correct version for your project.

npm install


  • npm run server will run the server only which will be accessible from http://localhost:3000
  • npm run watch will watch server files and rebuild, then restart the server
  • npm run dev will run both server and client and serve and proxy them with browsersync and watch server


Server side code is located into server folder and will be transpiled into dist/server folder. Client side code is located into client folder and will be copied into dist/client folder.


Routes classes are located in server/routes folder and will automatically be loaded on app start. This classes must be a export default and should use decorators get, post, put, patch, del and middlewares.

Each method take request, response and next as parameter. The method may call a response's method like response.send('result') or return a promise. If the promise resolve with a string, the string will be sent to client. If it resolve with an object, a json will be send. If it rejects with an Error, it will send a 500 error. If it reject with a RoutingError, it will send the code error set in the error object.


This decorator must be set on a route class. It's goal is to define one or many middlewares on all the routes of the class.

  • middlewares: Middlewares to apply on each routes of this class. Must be a function or array of functions.

@get, @post, @patch, @put, @del

Each method can have one or many method set. This decorator take the following params:

  • route: The route when the method will be fire
  • middlewares: The middlewares to apply to the route. Must be a function or array of functions.

It will link the method and the express router.


// server/routes/users.js
import {middlewares, get, post, patch, del} from '../decorators/routes';
import {RoutingError} from '../routing';
import {myMiddleware} from './my-middleware';
import {authMiddleware} from './auth';

export default class Users {
  @get({ route: '/users' })
  getUsers (req, res) {
    res.send({id: 1});
  @get({ route: '/users/:id' })
  getUser (req, res) {
    res.send({id: 1});
  @post({ route: '/users/id', middlewares: authMiddleware })
  createUser (req, res) {
  @patch({ route: '/users/:id', middlewares: authMiddleware })
  updateUser (req, res) {
  @del({ route: '/users/:id', middlewares: authMiddleware })
  deleteUser (req, res) {

  @get({ route: '/users/lag' })
  getUsersWithLag (req, res) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve({id: 1}), 1000));
  @get({ route: '/users/error' })
  getUsersWithError (req, res) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new RoutingError('not found', 404)), 1000));

  // You also can use async keyword
  @get({ route:'/users/async' })
  async getUsersAsync (req, res) {
    const users = await asyncService.getUsers();

    if (users.length) {
      return users;

    throws new RoutingError('No user found', 404);