This is an example of simple and more complex SmartContracts How to set up the environment * Install truffle: sudo npm install -g truffle * Install Test RPC: sudo npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc * Start Test RPC: $ testrpc * Build the code with truffle: $ truffle compile * Apply the migrations, adding the contracts on the local Test RPC: $ truffle migrate * Test the contract HelloWorld: $ truffle console (truffle)> var hello (truffle)> HelloWorld.deployed().then(function(deployed){hello=deployed;}); (truffle)> * Test the contract ScoreStore: $ truffle console (truffle)> var ss (truffle)> ScoreStore.deployed().then(function(deployed) { ss = deployed;}); (truffle)> ss.AddPersonScore("Edu",10); (truffle)> ss.GetScore("Edu");