
Skript für Synchronisation von Daten auf dem Arbeitsplatz-Mac mit SMB Share. Automatischer mount bzw. unmount abhängig von der Netzwerkverbindung des MacBooks zum Share.

Primary LanguageShell

Configuring the script variables

Variables to be adjusted in bmtsmb.sh:

backupdir:         The source directory for the backup
mntpnt:            A location where the share can be mounted
share:             Path of the SMB share in "//username@servername/path" format
server:            The fqdn of the share server

Variables to be adjusted in local.bmtsmb.plist:

ProgramArguments:  The path where the script is located
StartInterval:     Interval in seconds for the script to be run
StandardOutPath:   A path/file where the output log can be written to. The job
                   needs to be run as the smb user which is likely not root, so
                   /var/log cannot be used due to missing permissions

Running the backup job with launchd

Copy the script into the LaunchAgents directory:

cp local.bmtsmb.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents

Use lauchctl to activate, list or deactivate the job:

launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/local.bmtsmb.plist
launchctl list | grep bmtsmb
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/local.bmtsmb.plist