NAME xspfmaker - make xspf playlists SYNOPSIS xspfmaker [--input-file=INPUTFILE] [--output-file=OUTPUTFILE] [--title-format=FMT] [OPTION]… [PATHS]… DESCRIPTION xspfmaker creates xspf playlists of media files to be used in players like vlc(1). Each path in PATHS is traversed and scanned for suitable files. A list of PATHS as one per line can also be read from stdin by not passing it any PATHS or passing it a -. See the EXAMPLES section. ARGUMENTS PATHS List of PATHS to be traversed. All files in the subtree will be considered for the playlist by querying its duration via ffmpeg. Discarded files are printed out on stderr. OPTIONS -i INPUTFILE, --input-file=INPUTFILE Input file with a list of one path per line to be to be used in addition to PATHS. -o OUTPUTFILE, --output-file=OUTPUTFILE Output file to be used instead of stdout. -t FMT, --title-format=FMT (absent=filename) Specifies the format of the title of each track, FMT must be either path or filename. If path the title is the complete file path. If filename just the actual filename is used as the title. If empty or -, read a list of one path per line from stdin. COMMON OPTIONS --help[=FMT] (default=auto) Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of auto, pager, groff or plain. With auto, the format is pager or plain whenever the TERM env var is dumb or undefined. EXIT STATUS xspfmaker exits 0 on success, and > 0 if an error occurs. EXAMPLES Create a xspf list from two directories a single file: $ xspfmaker ~/videos ~/nudes.mp4 /mnt/oldvids > playlist.xspf or the equivalent: $ xspfmaker -o playlist.xspf ~/videos ~/nudes.mp4 /mnt/oldvids or the equivalent getting the list from stdin: $ printf "~/videos\n~/nudes.mp4\n/mnt/oldvids" | xspfmaker -o playlist.xspf or the equivalent but parsing the list from a file: $ printf "~/videos\n~/nudes.mp4\n/mnt/oldvids" > list && xspfmaker -o playlist.xspf -i list BUGS SEE ALSO find(1), vlc(1) AUTHORS Christiano Haesbaert <>