Simple Restful Note App


What is React Native ?

Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications.


  1. npm (node package manager)
  2. Xampp
  3. Postman
  4. Code Editor
  5. Browser

How to Run the App ?

  1. Clone or download backend repository
  2. Open your terminal, go to backend directory and run npm start

Related Project

How To Use

  • Run Xampp and Postman
  • Type route below in postman


  • '/' -- Show Welcome
  • '/notes'
    • Method GET -- Show all data from table notes
      • '/notes?search=key' -- Show result from notes where title = key
      • '/notes/sort=key' -- Show all data from table notes where sort by time in ASC or DESC
      • '/notes/limit=key' -- Show limited data as much key from table notes
      • '/notes/page=key' -- Show page from data
    • Method POST -- Insert data to table notes
  • '/notes/id'
    • Method PUT -- Update data from table notes by id
    • Method DELETE -- Delete data from table notes by id
  • '/categories'
    • Method GET -- Show all data from table categories
    • Method POST -- Insert data to table categories
  • '/categories/id'
    • Method PUT -- Update data from table categories by id
    • Method DELETE -- Delete from table categories by id