
Competitive pokemon (VGC 2022) flash cards for personal use

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Competitive pokemon (VGC 2022) flash cards for personal use


This is a simple web application that pulls data from pokeapi and tests the users knowledge on the stats of each pokemon. This is meant to be a tool for vgc players and smogon players. You will be given a random gen 1 pokemon (for now until I put in time to expand it to all gens) and have to rearrange their stats in the right order. Use your mouse to click and drag the stats, and once you get them all in the right place, the app should moe on to the next pokemon

Getting Started


React, MUI


  • How/where to download your program
  • Any modifications needed to be made to files/folders

Executing program

  • How to run the program
  • Step-by-step bullets
npm install
npm run start


Haffed Ali twitter info incoming

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial build and release


No license yet


Inspiration, code snippets, etc.