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Decode Morse message This project is a Ruby-based Morse code decoder that enables the conversion of Morse code into readable text. It includes three key functions:
decode_char(morse): Converts a single Morse code character into its corresponding uppercase alphabet character.
decode_word(morse_word): Decodes an entire Morse code word, separating individual characters with single spaces.
decode_message(morse_message): Decodes complete Morse code messages, separating words with three spaces.
The code is designed to be efficient, maintainable, and adheres to the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. It's a valuable tool for Morse code enthusiasts or anyone interested in understanding Morse code messages.
- [Morse Code to Text: Convert Morse code to readable text.]
- [Open Source: Available for collaboration.]
- [User-Friendly: Simple and intuitive usage for all skill levels.]
- [Educational Tool: Useful for learning Morse code.]
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👤 Hafizullah Rasa
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Derek Akrasi Konadu
GitHub | @githubhandle Twitter: @twitterhandle LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- [Add more animals database]
- [Easy data retrieval]
- [Efficient data management]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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I would like to thank my mentor and my cod partners for support
This project is MIT licensed.