- 1
Adding HAFS support for NCAR Derecho machine
#278 opened by muradme - 0
Update HAFS emcgraphics
#287 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
- 0
- 0
Can HAFS be run on a laptop with Linux or Ubuntu?
#290 opened by beuraieon-a - 0
Porting HAFS to Gaea C6
#285 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
Bring in HAFSv2.0.1 real-time parallel experiment related developments back to HAFS develop
#284 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
Test and use zstd netcdf compression for HAFS
#281 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
- 0
Update the pull request and issue templates
#280 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Enable/restore HAFS develop branch working on Jet/Hera/Orion with their OS system upgrades
#259 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 1
Add topic tags
#268 opened by Beliavsky - 1
- 0
HAFS Documentation; linkcheck and style upgrade
#262 opened by jdkublnick - 2
- 0
Use file names instead of fort units and use NetCDF format input and output for HAFS VI related procedures
#266 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
- 0
Improve hafs_nhc_products/create_stats_short.f90
#265 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 1
HAFS forecast job restart capability
#232 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 1
Add restart capability in HAFS prep job
#238 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 1
- 1
Improve HAFS scripts to redirect stdout and stderr to files for executables
#242 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 1
- 3
Resolve the HAFS v1.0 compile warnings
#234 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 3
- 4
- 6
- 4
code stability test failed in exec/hafs_gsi.x
#248 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 3
- 1
- 1
Improve HAFS scripts to use production utilities used for error handling (err_chk, err_exit)
#239 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 1
- 0
Extract the instantaneous GFS forcing fields for MOM6 at f000 from the correct GFS file
#264 opened by MariaAristizabal-NOAA - 1
Improve the hafs_obs_prep job script to handle zero bytes gfs.tCCz.prepbufr file
#244 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 7
- 0
Need to add
#252 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 8
- 1
- 2
code stability test failed in exec/hafs_post.x
#247 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
Change Settings in GSI Namelist File to Avoid Rejection of Many Observations in the Mid-Stratosphere
#251 opened by JingCheng-NOAA - 2
- 0
HAFS application cannot run on Orion due to the changed hpc-stack installation area
#226 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 0
update the convective precipitation rate variable name in swath grib2 file
#216 opened by LinZhu-NOAA - 0
- 0
Initial HAFS Users Guide based on ReadtheDocs
#223 opened by BinLiu-NOAA - 1
Edit HAFS Documentation
#220 opened by gspetro-NOAA - 0
HAFS RT status script bug report
#218 opened by mrinalbiswas