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A recipe website where users can submit new recipes and search for recipes by ingredient.
- A form for users to submit data
- A page showing all the data
- Semantic form elements with correctly associated labels
- A Postgres database hosted on Heroku
- A schema describing your database in your README
- Tests for server routes and database access
- Not process user input as SQL commands
- Hidden environment variables (i.e. not on GitHub)
- A way to view filtered/sorted data, instead of just all of it
- GitHub Actions CI setup to run your tests when you push
Saki: Relational Vs Non Relational Database / Facilitator Chisha: Database Security / Deployment Amy: Schemes and Relationships / Quality Mariya: Continuous Integration / User
- Split up Roles
- Decide on Idea
- Quickly sketched out the schema/tables on sheets/excel
- Deployment set up: Installed npm, cypress, pg, express etc.
- Deployed to Heroku
- Split into Pairs for Route Handlers (Homepage and Addrecipess)