
Löve2d for android phones

Primary LanguageJavazlib LicenseZlib

Port of the Love2D api to Android using LuaJ and OpenGl


can start existing .love files from sd card (/mnt/sdcard/love/mygame.love) or downloads folder

  • we should be able to add a file browser for loading eventually.
  • The project could be used to make a ready to use launcher with a nice menu, or to make a standalone app without using sdcard by adding the files as resources (resource load might not be implemented yet as of 2011-11-06)
  • We plan to make android specific functionality like additional input available by an api extension called love.phone, e.g. multi-touch, gravi and accelerometer sensors etc.

build environment used is eclipse with android sdk

  • adb logcat - to see Log.i("TAG","lala") in the terminal ** it is necessary to set ANDROID_HOME in the eclipse environment ** sdcard directory gets synced into the app directory on the phone's sdcard

  • for android-aware games : ** set t.android_native_screen = true in conf.lua to keep the native screen resolution, otherwise it'll rescale to the pc resolution ** to write generic code that detects android, check for love.phone being set, this will be set to an empty table for now, but might get android specific functions later

website : http://ghoulsblade.schattenkind.net/wiki/index.php/Love2d-android


  • lots of api calls still need to be implemented
  • ttf/truetype fonts won't be available anytime soon, help appreciated
  • love.physics / box2d will probably not be available anytime soon, help appreciated
  • love.threads has dummy stubs, so calling doesn't trigger errors, but the thread-code will never be executed, probably won't be implemented anytime soon, help appreciated


Things not supported by luaj

  • newproxy
  • module

SETUP of sdk :

(if you want to use eclipse to compile, e.g. for standalone without sdcard access or to help out in this project)

*in linux : ** adjust your ~/.bashrc to set ANDROID_HOME before launching eclipse ** export ANDROID_HOME=/home/ghoul/cavern/eclipse-workspace/android-sdk-linux ** when launching eclipse, launch it from bash

if you want to copy everything to the sd card again, delete ./tools/push_dir.DEVICE.db (a database file where it stores md5-sum)

NOTE : this guide looks a bit like what we did : http://linuxconfig.org/get-started-with-android-application-development-using-linux-and-android-sdk

BUILD publish/release a binary/apk

remove all Log.i() and Log.e() calls and the import line (central function in LoveVM.java)

  • eclipse : open manifest editor : scroll down in manifest tab : ** Use the Export Wizard to export and sign an AP

  • for android 2.1 : change project.properties : ** target=android-8 ** to ** target=android-7

lua.conf settings

  • t.android_allow_screensleep ** if this is not set, then love.phone.setKeepScreenOn(true) is called at startup

  • t.android_native_screen ** if this is not set, then love.graphics.setMode(w,h) is called at startup with t.screen.width/height or default pc resolution

android/phone specific api

  • since this section migth be outdated, see also https://github.com/hagish/love-android/blob/master/src/net/schattenkind/androidLove/luan/LuanPhone.java

  • img = love.phone.newResourceImage(int iResID) ** loads an image from a resource id

  • source = love.phone.newResourceAudioSource(int iResID,string type) ** loads a sound/music/audio source from a resource id

  • String love.phone.getPackageName() ** Return the name of this application's package.

  • String love.phone.getResourceName(int iResID) ** Return the full name for a given resource identifier. ** iResID = love.phone.getResourceID(String name, String defType, String defPackage) ** @name The name of the desired resource. ** @defType Optional default resource type to find, if "type/" is not included in the name. Can be null to require an explicit type. ** @defPackage Optional default package to find, if "package:" is not included in the name. Can be null to require an explicit package.

  • class LoveSensor ** constructed via {sensor,..} = love.phone.getSensorList(iSensorType) or getDefaultSensor(iSensorType) ** int getLoveSensorID() uniqueid for love.phone.sensorevent ** float getMaximumRange() maximum range of the sensor in the sensor's unit. ** int getMinDelay() the minimum delay allowed between two events in microsecond or zero if this sensor only returns a value when the data it's measuring changes. ** String getName() name string of the sensor. ** float getPower() the power in mA used by this sensor while in use ** float getResolution() resolution of the sensor in the sensor's unit. ** int getType() generic type of this sensor. ** String getVendor() vendor string of this sensor. ** int getVersion() version of the sensor's module. ** int getLoveSensorID() unique id for love.phone.sensorevent

  • {sensor,..} = love.phone.getSensorList(iSensorType) ** see also love.phone.SENSOR_TYPE

  • sensor = love.phone.getDefaultSensor(iSensorType) ** see also love.phone.SENSOR_TYPE

  • love.phone.SENSOR_TYPE = {[name]=value,...} ** see also http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Sensor.html ** see also http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html#values ** TYPE_ACCELEROMETER,TYPE_ALL,TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE,TYPE_GRAVITY,TYPE_GYROSCOPE,TYPE_LIGHT, ** TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION,TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD,TYPE_ORIENTATION,TYPE_PRESSURE,TYPE_PROXIMITY, ** TYPE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY,TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR,

  • love.phone.enableTouchEvents() ** must be called once for love.phone.touch callback to be enabled

  • love.phone.touch(action,{id1,x1,y1,id2,x2,y2},...) ** USER DEFINED CALLBACK ** for action see also love.phone.MOTION_EVENT_ACTION_TYPE ** you can define this callback similar to love.mousepressed to get detailed touch info ** only if love.phone.enableTouchEvents() has been called ** see http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/MotionEvent.html for details about multitouch handling

  • boolean love.phone.registerSensorListener(sensor,rate) ** Registers a SensorEventListener for the given sensor. ** will call user defined love.phone.sensorevent()

  • love.phone.sensorevent(sensorid,{f1,f2,....,accuracy=?,timestamp=?}) ** USER DEFINED CALLBACK ** Called when sensor values have changed. ** you can define this callback similar to love.mousepressed to get detailed touch info ** see also http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html


  • love.phone.performHapticFeedback(feedbackConstant), see love.phone.FEEDBACK_CONSTANT

  • love.phone.setHapticFeedbackEnabled(bEnabled)

  • love.phone.setKeepScreenOn(bool bKeepScreenOn)

  • love.phone.setRequestedOrientation(requestedOrientation), see love.phone.SCREEN_ORIENTATION

  • love.phone.setBlockMainKey_Back(bBlocked)

  • love.phone.setBlockMainKey_Menu(bBlocked)

  • love.phone.setBlockMainKey_Search(bBlocked)