Shortcuts to type unicode emoticons in emacs. If you use emacs for chat (jabber, irc etc) and can't remember how to enter:
٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶ ┏(-_-)┓┏(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
This might help. Unicode-emoticons defines a simple minor mode that you can enable for certain major modes to enter these empticons via abbrevs.
Install unicode-emoticons from MELPA with:
M-x package-install RET unicode-emoticons
If you like to do things the hard way: Put unicode-emoticons.el into a directory specified by the load-path variable. Alternatively, you can add a directory to the variable by (add-to-list 'load-path "ADDITIONAL_DIRECTORY").
If you put the file in "~/.emacs.d/unicode-emoticons/unicode-emoticons.el" for instance, the following snippet in your .emacs file will load and init the extension.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/unicode-emoticons/unicode-emoticons.el")
(require 'unicode-emoticons)
If you want to enable it for jabber for instance you'd add:
(add-hook 'jabber-chat-mode-hook 'unicode-emoticons-mode)
(add-hook 'jabber-chat-mode-hook 'abbrev-mode)
Next time you open a jabber window (or anytime unicode-emoticons-mode and abbrev-mode are enabled) you can use one of the abbrevs to type emoticons.
For instance. Typing
will yield
Seeing a complete list of abbrevs can be accomplished by
M-x list-abbrevs RET
( •_•)>⌐■-■