
A simple Arduino library to make multi-function buttons.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


An easy to use library which allows for simple setup of debouncing multifunction buttons. PMButtons is setup using the internal pullup resistors for simple wiring, see the example below.

Detectable types of button presses:

  • Clicked (just one time after Pressed and Released)
  • Double Clicked (Clicked twice in a given timeframe)
  • Short Hold (hold for a given timeframe)
  • Long Hold (like Short Hold but longer timeframe)
  • Pressed (just one event, after debouncing time)
  • Released (after releasing the button and debounce time)
  • IsPressed (after debounce time, but stays true as long as the button is Pressed)
  • IsHeld (is true as long as the button is Pressed after the Short Hold event)
  • IsHeldLong (is true as long as the button is Pressed after the Long Hold event)

Simple example

Here is a basic example of how to use the library:

#include "PMButton.h"
//define a pin for a button
PMButton button1(14);

void setup() { button1.begin(); }
void loop() { 
	if(button1.clicked()){Serial.println("button1 Just clicked.");}

Wiring Diagram for the example scketch, no external resistors needed. Wiring with internal pullup resistor

Additional Settings

Each button can be fine-tuned by using the following settings:

void setup()
  //setup buttons
  //You can set button timing values for each button to fine tune interaction.
  button1.debounce(20);//Default is 10 milliseconds
  button1.dcGap(300);//Time between clicks for Double click. Default is 200 milliseconds
  button1.holdTime(3000);//Default is 2 seconds
  button1.longHoldTime(8000);//Default is 5 seconds

These are not global and must be set for each button you want affected. If you do not set them, the defaults are used.