
Arduino Library for very simple and basic MQTT connection, SYNCHRONOUS, arduino-esp32, based on PubSubClient

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Arduino Library for very simple and basic MQTT connection, SYNCHRONOUS, arduino-esp32, based on PubSubClient

require #include "PubSubClient.h" library https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient.git PlatformIO ID_89

require #include "verysimpletimer.h" https://github.com/hagre/VerySimpleTimer_Library.git

Connection to MQTT broker STATUS:

-5 MQTT init status,

-3 LAN just disconnected, disconnect MQTT ans set all buffers to unsubscribe

-2 MQTT just disconnected,

-1 wait to reconnect MQTT,

0 disconnected, start connection with or without Password afer waiting periode

1 connecting,

2 just connected,

3 subscribing, all preselected topics (according buffer)

4 subscribed and connected, re-check update required for subscription or unsubscription (according buffer)

public Methods:


void setMQTTDebugSerial (HardwareSerial* mqttDebugSerial);

void setMQTTConnection (const char *mqttPubSubClientId, const char *mqttUsername, const char *mqttPassword,  bool cleanSessionClient, Client& mqttLANClient, IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t mQTTMaxPacketSize, uint16_t mQTTKeepAlive, uint16_t socketTimeout );

void setMQTTConnection (const char *mqttPubSubClientId, const char *mqttUsername, const char *mqttPassword,  bool cleanSessionClient, Client& mqttLANClient, const char* domain, uint16_t port, uint16_t mQTTMaxPacketSize, uint16_t mQTTKeepAlive, uint16_t socketTimeout );

void setMQTTConnection (const char *mqttPubSubClientId, bool cleanSessionClient, Client& mqttLANClient, IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t mQTTMaxPacketSize, uint16_t mQTTKeepAlive, uint16_t socketTimeout );

void setMQTTConnection (const char *mqttPubSubClientId, bool cleanSessionClient, Client& mqttLANClient, const char* domain, uint16_t port, uint16_t mQTTMaxPacketSize, uint16_t mQTTKeepAlive, uint16_t socketTimeout );


void setMQTTLastWill (const char* mQTTLastWillTopic, uint8_t mQTTLastWillQos, bool mQTTLastWillRetain, const char* mQTTLastWillMessage);

void deleteMQTTLastWill ();

bool checkSubscriptionUsed (uint8_t num);

bool addSubscriptionToTable (uint8_t num, byte* topic , uint16_t topicLength);

bool deleteSubscriptioFromTable (uint8_t num);

bool publish (const char* topic, const uint8_t * payload, unsigned int plength, bool retained);

int8_t loop (uint32_t millistime, uint8_t lANStatus);

GPLv3 by hagre 2020