
🃏👨‍💻🔢 A more or less useless (but somewhat cool) tool to decode, using Azure Cognitive Services, the binary text backgrounds on the Retro Tea Breaks collectors cards from the Retro Tea Breaks book by Neil Thomas.

Primary LanguageC#

Retro Tea Breaks Collectors Card Decode Tool

A more or less useless (but somewhat cool) tool to decode, using Azure Cognitive Services, the binary text backgrounds on the Retro Tea Breaks collectors cards from the Retro Tea Breaks book by Neil Thomas. The collectors cards, drawn by Stoo Cambridge, were an extra perk for some of the Kickstarter awards.

Disclaimer! This tool is a fan project. It is not in any way endoresed by or associated with RMC - The Cave or Neil Thomas personally. Any graphics and/or trademarks used in this project is the property of their owners.

ℹ An Azure Computer Vision Resource and its key and endpoint is needed to run this application. Create a Computer Vision Resource here: https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesComputerVision. There is a FREE tier available. 🤑

📺 Watch a demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlWmiftXoDY

Fig 1: Screenshot

Fig 2: Card Front & Back