
a simple compiler in java

Primary LanguageJava

A compiler in java

Implementing the subset of a compiler system which includes lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, symbols table and exception handling.

compositions of language

Types of data

  • integer
  • float/double
  • char
  • boolean

simple variables

The arithmetic expressions

+, - , * , / , ++ , --

The relational expressions

< , <= , > , >= , = , !=

The boolean expressions

&& , || , !


  • assignment statement : including the quote of multi-dimensional array
  • branch statement : if-else , if-else-then , switch-case
  • looping statement : do-while , while-do
  • procedure call statement
  • definition statement

Input & Output

input : a .txt file which contains your source code

output : if the code is correct, the intermediate code and symbols table are excepted. Else, you are supposed to point the location and reason of exception.


int a,b;
while a<20 && b>8 do{
    if a>10 || b<16 then{
        if a<15 then{
            a := 19;
            b :=15;
            a := 11;
            b :=9;
        a := 1;
        b := 17;