
a bank demo based on yii2-app-basic framework

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


an api practice of yii2-app-basic framework.

Getting started

  • clone this project to your server web_root or any other directory as you like.
  • modify config/db.php to set a db connection.
  • make sure php and composer is installed already, open a console and switch to your project directory, then excute composer update to download dependencies (skip this step).
  • keep in the app root directory, execute php ./yii create-table/create to init tables.
  • add a apache or nginx site config (see this for detail), after that you need restart server to make changes take effect.
  • visit http://{domain}/api/account/open?user_id=101 to test.

Api document

for convenience all api accept GET request so you can visit it in browser directly.

  1. Open account
    url: http://{domain}/api/account/open?user_id=101
    method: GET
    user_id int, choose one as you like

  2. Close account
    url: http://{domain}/api/account/close?user_id=101&card_id=6330000000000001
    method: GET
    user_id int, the one you used to open account.
    card_id string, your card_id.

  3. Query balance
    url: http://{domain}/api/account/balance?card_id=6330000000000001
    method: GET
    card_id string, your card_id.

  4. Withdraw money
    url: http://{domain}/api/account/withdraw?card_id=6330000000000001&amount=100
    method: GET
    card_id string, your card_id.
    amount int/float, money amount.

  5. Deposit money
    url: http://{domain}/api/account/deposit?card_id=6330000000000001&amount=100
    method: GET
    card_id string, your card_id.
    amount int/float, money amount.

  6. Transfer money
    url: http://{domain}/api/account/transfer?from_card_id=6330000000000001&to_card_id=6330000000000003&amount=100
    method: GET
    from_card_id string, your card_id.
    to_card_id string, your other card_id (free charge) or other's card_id (need charge fee).
    amount int/float, money amount.