Primary LanguagePythonMulan Permissive Software License, Version 2MulanPSL-2.0


This is the implementation of the paper "Continuous Space-Time Video Super-Resolution with Multi-stage Motion Information Reorganization". Space-time video super-resolution (ST-VSR) aims to simultaneously expand a given source video to a higher frame rate and resolution. However, most existing schemes either consider fixed intermediate time and scale or fail to exploit long-range temporal information due to model design or inefficient motion estimation and compensation. To address these problems, we propose a continuous ST-VSR method to convert the given video to any frame rate and spatial resolution with multi-stage motion information reorganization (MsMr). To achieve time-arbitrary interpolation, we propose a forward warping guided frame synthesis module and an optical-flow-guided context consistency loss to better approximate extreme motion and preserve similar structures among input and prediction frames. To realize continuous spatial upsampling, we design a memory-friendly cascading depth-to-space module. Meanwhile, with the sophisticated reorganization of optical flow, MsMr realizes more efficient motion estimation and motion compensation, making it possible to propagate information from long-range neighboring frames and achieve better reconstruction quality. Extensive experiments show that the proposed algorithm is flexible and performs better on various datasets than the state-of-the-art methods.

Our paper is currently under peer review, and a detailed introduction will be coming soon.

visual comparisons

Our MsMr exhibits a clear subjective visual advantage in handling large motions.

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Pre-trained models


password: kzdi

model_arb refer to model that trained in space-time arbitrary manner. model_fix refer to model that trained in fixed space-time scale factor(space 4x and time 2x).


We are good in the environment:

python 3.7

CUDA 9.1

Pytorch 1.5.0

Run a demo

you should specify the GT path and output path first, and run:

cd src

python test_vid4.py


Our code is built on





We thank the authors for sharing their codes!