
🏴‍☠️ Find dead-links (broken links)

Primary LanguageRuby


Dead link (broken link) means a link within a web page that cannot be connected. These links can have a negative impact to SEO and Security. This tool makes it easy to identify and modify.


Install with Gem

gem install deadfinder

# https://rubygems.org/gems/deadfinder

Install with Homebrew

brew install deadfinder

# https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/deadfinder

Docker Image

docker pull ghcr.io/hahwul/deadfinder:latest

Using In


deadfinder sitemap https://www.hahwul.com/sitemap.xml

Github Action

- name: Run DeadFinder
  uses: hahwul/deadfinder@1.5.0
  # or uses: hahwul/deadfinder@latest
  id: broken-link
    command: sitemap # url / file / sitemap
    target: https://www.hahwul.com/sitemap.xml
    # timeout: 10
    # concurrency: 50
    # silent: false
    # headers: "X-API-Key: 123444"
    # worker_headers: "User-Agent: Deadfinder Bot"
    # include30x: false
    # user_agent: "Apple"
    # proxy: "http://localhost:8070"

- name: Output Handling
  run: echo '${{ steps.broken-link.outputs.output }}'

If you have found a Dead Link and want to automatically add it as an issue, please refer to the "Automating Dead Link Detection" article.

Ruby Code

require 'deadfinder'

app = DeadFinderRunner.new
options = app.default_options
options['concurrency'] = 30

result = app.run('https://www.hahwul.com/2022/09/30/deadfinder/', options)
puts result


  deadfinder file <FILE>            # Scan the URLs from File. (e.g deadfinder file urls.txt)
  deadfinder help [COMMAND]         # Describe available commands or one specific command
  deadfinder pipe                   # Scan the URLs from STDIN. (e.g cat urls.txt | deadfinder pipe)
  deadfinder sitemap <SITEMAP-URL>  # Scan the URLs from sitemap.
  deadfinder url <URL>              # Scan the Single URL.
  deadfinder version                # Show version.

  r, [--include30x], [--no-include30x]  # Include 30x redirections
  c, [--concurrency=N]                  # Number of concurrency
                                        # Default: 50
  t, [--timeout=N]                      # Timeout in seconds
                                        # Default: 10
  o, [--output=OUTPUT]                  # File to write JSON result
  H, [--headers=one two three]          # Custom HTTP headers to send with initial request
      [--worker-headers=one two three]  # Custom HTTP headers to send with worker requests
      [--user-agent=USER_AGENT]         # User-Agent string to use for requests
                                        # Default: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DeadFinder/1.5.0;)
  p, [--proxy=PROXY]                    # Proxy server to use for requests
  s, [--silent], [--no-silent]          # Silent mode
  v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]        # Verbose mode


# Scan the URLs from STDIN (multiple URLs)
cat urls.txt | deadfinder pipe

# Scan the URLs from File. (multiple URLs)
deadfinder file urls.txt

# Scan the Single URL.
deadfinder url https://www.hahwul.com

# Scan the URLs from sitemap. (multiple URLs)
deadfinder sitemap https://www.hahwul.com/sitemap.xml

JSON Handling

deadfinder sitemap https://www.hahwul.com/sitemap.xml \
  -o output.json
cat output.json | jq
  "Origin URL": [
    "DeadLink URL",
    "DeadLink URL",
    "DeadLink URL"

Contributions Welcome!

We welcome contributions from everyone! If you have an idea for an improvement or want to report a bug:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix (e.g., feature/awesome-feature or bugfix/annoying-bug).
  • Make your changes.
  • Commit your changes with a clear commit message.
  • Push to the branch.
  • Submit a Pull Request (PR) to our dev branch.

We'll review your PR as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to our project!
