
(deprecated) Android application vulnerability analysis and Android pentest tool

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License

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   // /   /  /`    '--                         By HaHwul
  //          //..\\                         www.hahwul.com
         ====UU====UU====         https://github.com/hahwul/droid-hunter



Android application vulnerability analysis and Android pentest tool

A. Support
> App info check
> Baksmaling android app
> Decompile android app
> Extract class file
> Extract java code
> Pattern base Information Leakage

2. How to Install?

A. Download(clone) & Unpack DROID-HUNTER

git clone https://github.com/hahwul/droid-hunter.git
cd droid-hunter

B. Install Ruby GEM

gem install html-table
gem install colorize

C. Set external tools

Editing "./config/config.rb"

# Tool path
$p_adb = "/usr/bin/adb"     
$p_aapt = "/usr/bin/aapt"   # Path aapt
                            # macOS > (https://github.com/hahwul/droid-hunter/issues/12)
$p_dex2jar = File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/../ex_tool/dex2jar-"
$p_apktool = File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/../ex_tool/apktool/apktool_2.3.1.jar"
$p_jad = File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/../ex_tool/jad/jad"
$p_grep = "/bin/grep"
$p_unzip = "/usr/bin/unzip"
$p_sfilter = File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/../string_filter"


ruby dhunter.rb

3. How to Use?

Usage: ruby dhunter.rb [APK]
-a, --apk : Analysis android APK file.
 + APK Analysis
   => dhunter -a 123.apk[apk file]
   => dhunter --apk 123.apk aaa.apk test.apk hwul.apk
-p, --pentest : Penetration testing Device
 + Pentest Android
   => dhunter -p device[device code]
   => dhunter --pentest device
-v, --version : Show this droid-hunter version
-h, --help : Show help page

4. Support

Bug: Add issue(github)
Contact: hahwul@gmail.com

5. TO-DO List

Add Vulnerability Scanning module
Update string pattern
Intent diagram

## 6. Screen shot