
Aubo i5 robot with Robotiq 2F-85 gripper and pedestal

Primary LanguageCMake


Aubo i5 robot with Robotiq 2F-85 gripper and pedestal. Based on https://github.com/liuxinwust/aubo_robot and https://github.com/waypointrobotics/robotiq_85_gripper

Launch the robot with the gripper:

  • Create a ros working-space and cakin_make, install needed dependencies from the command line
  • Launch the full robot in Rviz
    roslaunch aubo_description display_full.launch

Robot launched in Rviz

  • Launch the full robot in Rviz without the pedestal
    roslaunch aubo_description display_no_pedestal.launch

Robot launched in Rviz