Portfolio Website

This is a personal portfolio website showcasing my skills, projects, and experiences as a web developer & graphic designer.

Technologies Used

The website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also utilizes the following libraries and frameworks:

  • HTML & CSS
  • Vanilla JS


The website is deployed using GitHub Pages and can be accessed at https://khaidar.me


The website has the following features:

  • A responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes
  • A floating navigation bar
  • Sections for my skills, projects, and experiences, with clickable cards that display more information on hover or click
  • A contact section with a form that allows visitors to send me a message
  • An about section with a brief introduction and a downloadable resume


The design and content of the website were created by me, with inspiration from various portfolio websites I found online.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for details.