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Primary LanguagePython

Web Scraping

Here I provide the source code for doing web scraping using the python library, it is Selenium.
I run the script using Chrome browser that integrated via webdriver.
For data scraping, I input the data into a sheet (.xlsx) or Excel Document.


Installation Part✅

Web Driver

1. Google Chrome

I suggest you to download the webdriver with the same version as your chrome version. Here's the list:

2. Mozilla Firefox

You can also use other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox to run the script through the webdriver. You can get it at the link below :



1. Selenium

You can download selenium via the link below :

Selenium Download

or install using pip :

pip install selenium

2. OpenPyxl

To be able to include images (jpeg, png, bmp,…) into an openpyxl file, you will also need the “pillow” library that can be installed with :

pip install pillow

And the you can install openpyxl using pip :

pip install openpyxl


Thank your for your participation. Have a nice day.
For more information, you can contact me!