
Instagram Like. You can share your photo to others, and you can like others photo. Share the best photo of you!

REST api

List of routes can access wihtout auth:

Route HTTP Descriptions
/users/signin POST Sign in and get the token
/users/register POST Sign up (create new user)
/posts GET Get all the post

List of routes can access with auth:

Route HTTP Descriptions
/posts/me GET Get a single post
/posts POST Create a post
/posts/:id DELETE DELETE a post
/posts/:id PUT Update a post
/comments POST Create a new comment on post

Usage For Client (Vue)

  • Go to /client folder
  • Open terminal
  • and Run npm command
npm install
npm run dev

Access the website via http://localhost:8080

Usage For Server (Expressjs)

  • Go to /server folder
  • Open terminal
  • and Run npm command
npm install
// to run with nodemon
npm run dev 
// to run with node
npm start
//to execute test
npm run test

Access the website via http://localhost:3000

Note: The image will upload to gcs, so you need a bucket and the API Credential from google cloud platform