
A YouTube applet for the Logitech G15/G510S.

Primary LanguageC#


YouTube15 running

A YouTube applet for the Logitech G15/G510S.

YouTube iframe metadata is passed to this applet via the YouTube15-Helper Chrome extension or Firefox addon.


  • Text scrolling for long video titles.
  • Support for multiple simultaneously open YouTube tabs
  • <500ms Latency


1. Install YouTube15-Helper from the Google Chrome webstore or the Mozilla Firefox addon page.

chrome webstore image firefox addon image

2. Download & Run the latest release of the YouTube15 applet.

run YouTube15.exe

3. Open one or more YouTube tabs in Chrome/Firefox.

Casey Neistat video on Youtube YouTube15 running


Q: What happens when the video title is too long?

A: This applet supports text scrolling for video titles and uploader names that are too long.

Q: How does this applet prioritize which YouTube tab to display?

A: A video claims top priority if it was opened last & if it goes from a paused to play state.

Q: What happens when I close an active tab/window?

A: The applet will automatically switch to the last opened YouTube tab if available. If there are no YouTube videos open, the applet will display the following idle screen:

YouTube15 idle screen

Q: The animated lines introduced in Version 1.2 are annoying. How can I turn them off?

A: Use button #3 (that is, the third button from the left) to toggle the line animation. The following GIF demonstrates this via emulator:

disable animated lines GIF

Q: Help! the applet is not detecting YouTube videos anymore (or displaying them incorrectly)!

A: YouTube periodically changes their page layouts so theres a possibility that the YouTube15-Helper needs updating, please submit an issue if this happens. The YouTube15-Helper should be updated automatically through your browser when I push an update.

Q: I'm getting weird values for the current video time/duration, help!

A: This is an issue with parsing international decimal points eg 50,03 seconds vs 50.03 seconds. Support for international decimal points was added in v1.3 so please update.

Q: Cool! Can you make something similar for Spotify?

A : Actually, this was based on the Spotify Applet; Spoti15, which I'm now maintaining here.