Nulogy content guide


Adding a page

  1. Put a new .mdx file inside the pages directory and it will be automatically turned into a page, using the directory structure to build the url. e.g to create a page at, add a file called new-page.mdx to a new-section folder.

  2. Add the page to src/data/routes.js. By default, the page will take it's title from the name key and display it both in the navigation menu and at the top of the page. A title key can be added if a longer page title is desired on the actual page, e.g:

  name: "Overview",
  href: "/voice-and-tone/overview",
  title: "Voice and tone"

Pull request workflow

We use Pull Requests for merging code into our codebase. Open up a new one if you'd like to suggest an addition, and send it to someone else to review. After a review, feel free to merge the PR.


  • The site will deploy through a Github Action on every merge to master.
  • To manually deploy, run yarn build && yarn deploy. This will copy the /public/ folder to the gh-pages branch.